Add/Edit Check Request
This is the add/edit page for a check request. As a reminder, a check request is a sub type of the main expense/receipt section. This page will look slightly different between the add mode and the edit mode. The best way to tell what mode the page is in, is to look at the main submit button. It will either say add... or edit...

Here are the different fields:

1. Check Request # - This is handled behind the scenes and assigned upon submittal. The check request number and expense/receipt number are the same. A check request is a special (flagged) expense/receipt that is in limbo until approved. Once approved and assigned payment info, it will automatically become a normal expense/receipt.

2. Paid To - This is the vendor/payee that is assigned to the request. If there is a link by the vendor name, you may edit the vendor info. There may also be a link if a blank request needs to be assigned to an actual vendor.

3. Request Date - Enter the date that the request was made. Use the m/d/yy format for all dates. ** See note below.

4. Due Date - Enter the due date (if applicable). If left blank, the request date and the due date will be the same. Use the m/d/yy format for all dates.

5. Request Amount(s) - This is a three-way field that allows for an exact amount, a range (between this and that), and a blank request. In order to use a section, click the radio button (dot) by the amount type and then fill in the amount(s) you would like to request.

6. Privacy - Check this box if you would like to have the dollar amounts hidden from non-admin users. This should be used for things like payroll and other sensitive receipts.

7. External Invoice Number - Required. Enter the invoice number or statement number of the bill you are paying. Max of 50 chars, min of 1 char.

7. Request Notes - Required. Use this field to record the general notes about the request. These will end up being the general expense/receipt notes once the request is approved. Max of 65,000 chars and a min of 3 chars.

8. First Line Item - Only in the add mode. By clicking this box, the notes and amount will be pre-populated in the add/edit line items form to help limit the data entry requirements.

9. Resubmit As Check Request - This will only show up if the request has been declined. Check the box to resubmit as a check request.

10. Approve/Decline Notes - This will only show up once the request has been approved or declined. Max of 255 chars. This is where your supervisor may communicate with you about what is needed or limitations.

11. Check Request Created By - Edit mode only. This will show who originally created the request and is controlled behind the scenes.

** As a special note... This deals with paying for a PO or stock/unit or a floored stock/unit. The payments that get applied to the different pieces are a sub of the main expense/receipt (aka check request). These sub tie-ins are tied at the hip with the main date that is entered on the check request. What this means is say you paid for a PO on 1/1/12. That date will follow the PO payment around forever. If the date on the PO payment (or stock/unit payment for that matter) is wrong, the only way to fix it is by changing the main expense/receipt date. If I changed the main expense/receipt date to 1/15/12, it would automatically change the underlying PO payment (or stock/unit payment) date to the new date. Long story, made short, if you want to change a PO or stock/unit payment date, you must change the main expense/receipt date to do so. The payment dates, by themselves, are uneditable. If a change is needed, the master or main expense/receipt date is the only way to make that change.