Global Parts Mark-Up
This is the page where you can update multiple parts and their mark-up or saleprice at a single time. The page is designed so that you can search for the parts to update, you then check the one you want to update and apply the mark-up or saleprice at the bottom of the results.

The page is divided into three main parts. The top is the search form. The middle is the search results and the bottom is the update form. The update form has a choice between applying a mark-up or a straight saleprice. Only one or the other may be applied at a single time.

If your search results return more than 4 records, you will have a checkbox that allows for all records to be checked or unchecked. This is located just above the main search results and says "Select/Deselect All". Only checked items will be updated. There may also be more than one page of results.

The main search form has the following options:

1. Vendor - Optional. Choose a vendor form the list provided.

2. Part Number - Optional. Enter any part of the part number and the application will try to match what it can. Say you know you have a number of parts that start with the value "p-12". By entering just that value, you will get p-127745, p-12K, etc. This is called a built-in wildcard search.

3. Cost Range - Optional. The default is "All" but may be changed to numeric values to help refine the search. Say you wanted all parts that fit between $3.50 and $5.50. You would enter 3.50 and 5.50 in the respective fields and then click search. This field requires both values to be numeric (with or without decimals) for it to work. This deals with the cost associated with the parts.

4. Sort By - Choose a sort by from the list provided.

5. Show Per Page - Required. This is how many records to show per page. Must be numeric and less than 500.