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The whole Adilas platform will scale as locations are added. The locations are the tied of almost every transaction inside the system.

Add/Edit Location
This is the add/edit page for location.

1. Id - The id field is what controls the location information in the database. All new locations will have an id assigned to them upon successful entry into the database.

2. Location Initials - The location initials are the primary way of switching between locations. These should be short words that will allow all user to associate a location name with an actual location. There is a max of 15 and a min of 1.

3. Location Name - The location name is the longer version of the location. This field has a max of 100 and a min of 2.

4. Address - This is the locations physical address. Max of 100 and min of 2.

5. Address 2 - Optional second line for the address. Max of 100.

6. City - City where the location is located. Max of 50 and min of 2.

7. State - Choose from a state listed in the drop-down box.

8. Zip - The zip code must be numeric. Max of 15 and min of 5.

9. Phone - This is the normal phone number for the location. Local calls. Max of 25 and a min of 7.

10. Phone 800 - This is an optional field and should contain the 800 number if available. Max of 25.

11. Fax - If the location has a fax number, put it here. Max of 25.

12. Location License Number - Optional. This is a special field where you may record the license number or other special information per location or per store. The caption or title of this field is controlled by corp-wide settings which allows for you to rename the field to whatever you wish or need. The data from this field will show up on all printable invoices, quotes, and PO's if used. If no value is entered here, this field will be skipped when showing output on the PO's, quotes, and invoices. This is a great place to record business license numbers, permit numbers, and other special identifiers for the location.

13. Email - This is the main email address of how you want people to contact your location. Max of 150 and min of 8. Ex:

14. Web Address - Optional. This is the main website used by the location for its business. Max of 150 chars. Ex:

15. Show On Web - Select hide or show. This deals with the customer site of the application. This also allows locations to be used internally without exposing them to the public.

16. Location Percentage - This value is used if your corporation has more than one location and locations share common expenses such as insurance, etc.

17. Starting Petty Cash Amount - This is the petty cash that the location has. The actual value may be in flux but this is the amount they are responsible for. This number will also show up on the balance sheet under assets. Use only numbers and decimals.

18. Hours of Operation - This is a small field where you can enter the hours or schedule of the location. This field is optional. Max of 150. Ex: Location open from 8:00 - 6:00 pm every day except Sunday.

19. Location Start Date - This is the date the location was opened and started doing business. All dates should use the "m/d/yy" format. Ex: 6/6/07.

20. Notes - This is an optional field for any special notes about the location.

21. Location Status - This is a switch that helps the system keep track of current locations.

22. Require SSN For Paperwork - Check the boxes that apply. These fields are for locations that sell units. If checked, the customer social security number will be required for the unit sales process to work.

There is also a link to help manage special line items per location. These are pre-set values such as D&H, collected shipping, and other flat fees or taxes. That page has its own help files.

23. Tax Information - All tax fields must have numbers such as 6.9 or 2.05, etc. The other fields are there incase you wish to record the actual tax id numbers for later reference. Each location has the option of setting up five other taxes that need to be collected. These fields are not required but are allowed for special taxes. Type the name of the tax in the title field (max of 50 chars), fill in the correct percentage, and click on the boxes to what the tax needs to be applied. Taxes will be calculated on invoices and other sales done out of the system.

Special note about Rental taxes. These taxes are a special flat rate tax. All of the state, county, and city taxes will be set to 0.00, but if you specify a rental tax, just that amount will be applied. Say you need a 10% rental tax, enter the name rental tax and set the amount to 10. Then click the rental checkbox. When a person does a rental, the only tax that will be applied is the 10% regardless if the state, county, and city taxes have positive values. It is somewhat of a stand alone tax rate.