Update Payment Status
This is the admin payment/deposit status page. This is how you get a payment to either be marked as deposited or to remain in the new payments on receivables.

1. Payment Deposited - This is the main switch or payment status button. If checked, the payment will not show up in the new payments section of the accounts receivables reports. If not checked, the payment will be available for deposit.

2. Deposit Number - The deposit number may be left with a value of 0 or may be an actual deposit number. If a real number is used, a link will be created between the invoice payment and the deposit. This linking function is done behind the scenes if using the salesperson deposit permission. If the deposit is unknown, please use 0 as the default. This tells the system that the item was deposited but the deposit number is not known or doesn't need to be tracked. This is important if you are entering old data before you were using the system to track deposits, etc.

3. Deposit Date - This date is required, even if the item has not yet been deposited. This date helps control the aging of the receivable. If the deposit has not been deposited, the age will be figured off of the current date. Once deposited, the date will be determined from this date. Use the m/d/yy format for all dates.

4. Payment Notes - Optional. Max of 255 chars. This is for extra notes about the payment.

If you have the admin permissions and need to clean-up a bunch of invoice payments and their deposit status, there is an admin tool on the build sales deposit page that allows you to manually force all outstanding invoice payments before a certain date, to show as deposited (a virtual clean-up of the invoice payments waiting to be deposited). Use this link to get the process started:

[admin - clean-up invoice payments]