Printable Quote
This is the printable quote page. If the quote has not been converted into an actual invoice, you will have the option to "restore to cart". This will make it live again and will put the stored information back into the main shopping cart. Quotes may be saved as often as needed. Quotes may only be used once. Once it has been converted into an actual invoice, the quote is only viewable and may not go active again. Carts and quotes may be saved as many times as needed.

If your quote has one or more elements of time assigned to it, there will be a toggle switch that allows you to show or hide the assigned elements of time. As a note, if you chose to hide the elements of time, they are still attached, just not shown. If you are trying to send and save a pdf document, get this printable quote correct and then click the "save as pdf document" link. This link will take whatever your current settings (show/hide time) are and will pass it to the conversion page.

More information about the "save as pdf document" link: By clicking this link, the quote will be created into a pdf that can be printed, emailed, and saved on your hard drive. Once you get to the adobe acrobat reader screen, you must choose file/save as to actually save the file. This allows the quote to be available without being logged into the system. For instance, say a customer wants a quote on something and is not present to get the quote. You could save it and then attach it to an email for them to print and view at their leisure.

The pdf document will be set to a scale of 95% of the actual size by default. If for some reason, you need to make the quote smaller or larger, you may change the scale to a different value. The scale value can be found in the URL string (web address) for the pdf document. Example: scale=95, scale=75, scale=100. The max value is 100.