Location Homepage
This is the homepage for the locations. To add a new location to your corporation, click on the link at the top of the page. To edit a location, basic information, taxes, and licenses, click on the location name and you will be taken to the edit page. The location percentages should add up to 100%. These numbers are used in the application expense/receipts and deposit sections. If you only have one location, don't worry about the percentages.

If you do have more than one location, you can also set look-back percentages for help with entering older receipts and deposits. This can be done by using a link at the top of the page that talks about archiving percentages. Additional help is available once you get deeper into that section.

There are special options (including setting up special sales items per location and tax rates) once you get into the edit mode for a single location. Additional help is available once you are in edit mode.