Add/Edit Special Line Items Per Location
This is where you can set up location specific pre-set line items. Each location is controlled by its self and will feed the application sales process pages. These items are not required but will help the sales staff with knowing what they should collect and apply to different inventory types.

1. Id - This is the auto generated number behind the scenes. It will be "new" for add mode and an actual id number for edit mode.

2. Location - This is the location that the line item will be applied.

3. Main/Sub Inventory Type - Choose from the list provided. This can help you be as specific as needed. Use types "All" for general line items and main inventory types with sub inventory types for more detailed items.

4. Part Number - There are four basic parts to choose from. The "Dealer Handling Fee" will be applied to the Dealer Handling Fee on step 1 of the unit sales process. The part number "Shipping" will be applied to the Collected Shipping field on step 1 of the unit sales process. Part number "Collected" will be applied to step 4 of the sales process. The "Collected" part number is a special balance sheet part number that puts items that are collected for other people or entities into a single bucket. The part number "Fee" is a normal revenue part and will show up on the income statement. The shipping and dealer handling fee will also show up on the income statement if used. There is a limit of five extra items (part number collected or fee) per location per inventory type.

5. Part Description - This is where you can put line specific details as to what the part or line item does or applies to the invoice. These notes will be part of the actual invoice line items. Max of 150 and min of 3 chars.

6. Item Price - This is the amount of the special line item. It is assumed that each line item will be a quantity of 1.00. Thus, 1 x the price will be the extended price for that line item. Use numbers and decimals.

7. Item Cost - This is the cost of the line item. Default is 0.00.

8. Default Tax Category - Choose a tax category from the list provided. This may be changed by the user/salesperson but will at least provide a default category.

9. Status - Active is for "use" and inactive is for "don't use".