Edit Cart Line Item
This is the edit cart line item page. This is where you can alter the quantity, price, taxes, line description, and other details for a single cart line item. There is also a special form at the bottom that will figure out special taxes for you (what would the taxes be on a different amount). All taxes on all invoices, quotes, and carts are calculated per line item.

The main edit line item form has a special apply quick discount feature on the top of the page. This feature allows you to quickly enter either a percentage off or a dollar off amount. The default is 0. If left at 0, the function will be skipped. If used, enter only numbers and/or decimals. Example: 25.00 or just a plain number like 10 (substitute 10 with any other number(s)). Note: This discount will only be applied to this amount (qty * price). If you are looking for how to apply a discount on the entire shopping cart, return to the view cart page and look for a link at the top that says [profit & discount calculator - cart as a whole]. That page is capable of applying a broader discount on all values.

Depending on your permissions, this page has two different modes. The basic mode does not require any special permissions and is the default mode. If you need more options and want to work the deals (see costs, profits, mark-ups, etc.) or do custom stuff, you may need a permission called "Advanced Add To Cart". With this permission turned on, there will be both add and edit options that are on the advanced level. For help with advanced features, we recommend that you use the advanced add to cart help file. The rest of this help file below applies to the basic edit cart line mode.

The main edit line item form has the following fields:

1. Location - Controlled behind the scenes. This is where the unit or part is being pulled from.

2. Vendor - Controlled behind the scenes. If it is incorrect, remove the line item by setting the quantity to 0.

3. Part Number - This field is also controlled behind the scenes. If it incorrect, set the quantity to 0 and the item will be removed. There is also a part number drill-down link that may be used to get additional information on the current part number. The link that says [label generator] will help in case you need to provide special instructions with your products. This link goes to the application barcode and label generator application.

4. Quantity - Required and must be numbers and/or decimals. There is a max of five (5) decimals places for quantities. This number may be either positive or negative. Ex: 1.00

5. Price - Required and must be positive or 0.00. If you need a negative number, make the quantity negative. There is a max of five (5) decimals for the price field.

6. Description - Requires at least three characters and has a max of 255 characters.

7. Line Show/Hide Status - Required. This is where you can show or hide an invoice (cart) line item. If hidden, it will still be attached as a line item. If hidden, it will also need a price of 0.00. The reason the price must be set to 0.00 deals with sub totals on the line items. If it has a price and it is hidden, the customer won't be able to tell where that extra $500 on the ticket came from. If this becomes a problem, you could always move the price up to another visible line item.

8. Tax Category - Required. All tax categories except for "Taxable" will return 0.00 for all taxes. The little checkbox next to the tax category field may be used to re-write or re-calc the taxes. When checked, the system will over-write all taxes entered below with new values. If left unchecked, the system will not recalculate the taxes and will use the numbers entered below. This is how you manually update or remove certain taxes.

9. State Tax - Must be numeric.

10. County Tax - Must be numeric.

11. City Tax - Must be numeric.

12. Other Taxes - There may or may not be other taxes listed. This is controlled by location and helps with special local taxes. If applicable, the value must be numeric.

13. Out of Area Tax - Must be numeric. This is a special tax field for financed deals. Basically, this is when you need to collect the taxes but don't want them to show up on the sales tax reports.

The bottom of the page has a special tax calculator. Basically, you enter what the taxable amount would be (after deductions or discounts) and it will show you what the taxes would be. Using this form does not change the tax values assigned but it does show you what they would be if you gave the person a discount or showed a trade-in.

Special Note: This page is tied to the flex grid tie-ins for part numbers. If you have the flex grid tie-in permission, this page will display all flex grid tie-ins that are tied to this part number. This could include special pricing structures, contract prices, sales, quantity discounts, customer specific part numbers, etc. If you are unfamiliar with the flex grid, we would recommend that you read the following help file to get you pointed in the right direction.