Advanced Parts Search
This is a custom or advanced search page for parts. None of the fields are required, but the page will not work unless you enter at least one item or more as search criteria. The more filters you use, the tighter you results will be. If the search form is hidden, use the show/hide button to interact with the search criteria. The search results will show up below the search form. Once the search has been completed, there will be shopping cart options (add line item forms), edit links, and view item detail options (depending on permissions). Links that say [cust] are for customer friendly part details (no costs and profits will be shown). The link that says [full] will show part costs, salesprices, mark-up's, and profits.

Most of the search fields should be fairly self-explanatory and straight forward. All text fields have built-in wildcards to help keep the search flexible. This means you don't have to enter the exact value or the full name.

If you are looking for inactive (hidden) part numbers, make sure and change the part status field to include the inactive parts. This is down at the bottom of the search form and is set to show only active items by default.

Additionally, if you have the advanced add to cart permission turned on, there may be a link that has two plus signs together like this: "++". If you see this link, you may use a special add to cart page that has additional fields, calculators, and special options.

If you have the admin permission over parts, there will also be options (bottom of the advanced search form) to export any and all of the data to a Microsoft Excel (spreadsheet) format. If you don't have access to a Microsoft Office product license (which includes excel), we recommend a FREE software solution called or view a help file with more info.

Tip: If you want to get everything and don't want to enter any search criteria, all you need to do is change one of the text filters from "All" to blank (nothing in the field). The page will then pass the validation and it will return all items.