Post Deposits & Receipts
This page allows you to search verified records and mark them posted in mass quantity. A single record is posted through the verify deposit or verify receipt page. This special report is set up similar to the verify bank report page, only it has additional features. The dates are compared to the verified dates for sorting and filtering. Once the report details have been returned, there will either be a checkbox or an "x" indicating that the record is already posted. Anything that gets checked will be posted once you submit the form by clicking the "post" button. Each record will be locked and have a history note attached to it for reference. Once the records are locked, there is no way to unlock them. Make sure that you have checked and double checked before hitting the "post" button.

1. Bank - Choose a bank from the list provided.

2. Dates To and From - Must be a valid date for the report to work. These dates are verified dates.

3. Report Type - Choose a report type from the list provided. This helps to limit the number of records that you are searching through.

4. Limit Check # Range - Optional. Enter a check number range if needed. Both values must be numeric in order for the filter to work.

5. Report Sorts - There are two different fields that will control both deposits and receipts.

There are a number of links that will help you edit, check, verify, or view the history.

The bank balances take deposits, receipts, and starting balances into effect. The starting bank balance is controlled from the add/edit banks homepage. This provides the date limit and starting amount for your bank balance(s).