Sold Units Report
This is a pre-formatted report for sold units. The page will show totals, if available, at the top of the page. The totals are for all records returned including other pages. This helps you get a feel for the overall picture of the corporation and the sales. The more information you provide, to help filter the records, the tighter the results will be. If the page shows options for more than one page, click on the page number to go to those results. There are four main links per line. They are the unit details, the profit per line (sales invoice), the payroll status, and the invoice number.

If a flag shows up on the report, this means that the stock/unit numbers don't match the numbers on the sales invoice. The flag will remain until the unit saleprice matches the invoice price and the unit basis matches the invoice cost for the unit.

If you would like to do a new search, use the link at the top of the page to go back to the main sold report search criteria page.