Advanced Deposit Search Results
This is the results page from the advanced deposit search page. The results will be shown in two lines per deposit (as a minimum).

There are three basic totals for the page. This helps to get an idea of what is pending, verified, and the grand total. The totals only reflect the records that were returned to the search. There are three options for dealing with the deposit. They are edit, printable, and history. The edit link is what you click to edit either the main deposit info, the line items, or to verify the deposit. The printable link will take you to the printer friendly deposit page. The history will show the actions taken on a specific deposit and who, what, and when the action was completed.

Deposits that do not match the deposit amount and the sum of the line items will be flagged with a special flag. This helps you to know where to focus and which deposit might still need some help.

If you have more than 100 records returned by a search, you will get a small next page form that will allow you to switch between pages of the report. As you switch pages, the application will remember the criteria of your last submitted search. The totals deal with all of the records as a whole and not just the records that are shown per page. This is only true when you have more than one page of results.