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Sort Value: Developer's Notebook Report - 6/1/2023 to 6/30/2023 - (105)
Time Id Color Title/Caption Start Date   Notes
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Shop 10098 Adilas Time 6/1/2023  

New transition today. I popped onto the morning meeting because that is what I normally did. I let the guys know that I wasn't going to be doing that any more. Sean was on the meeting and we chatted for a bit. By way of an update, he is doing great working with the dynamic adilas label builder. He is also willing to do some checking out of what our competitors are doing and providing me some competitive research. Nothing too huge.

John joined the meeting, and we were looking at some mock-ups. We would like to allow our users to interact with options to setup their own space, look and feel, etc. We would also like to do some early prototyping. Get it out and in their hands. Even things like settings for click vs hoover and other simple choices that affect their space (what they do and use - their space, their flow). We already have a bunch that we have paid for and haven't been able to use it yet. We have a ton of R&D stuff that Jonathan Wells did in Adobe XD for fracture, adilas cafe, and a new shopping cart.

A picture is worth a thousand words. Dramatize it, push up XD docs from Chuck on the content server. We have done tons of really cook R&D. Let's use that. This is how we are going to get fracture up and going and off the ground.

John and I talked about trying to centralize all of the data and assets. I have a bunch of it. We have pushed up a bunch to the adilas content server. We also still have quite a few assets and raw authoring files with the guys/gals who made them - Jonathan Wells, Chuck, Russell, Marisa, etc.

As part of our discussion, John was showing me some of the projects that he worked on for school. He's got business design docs, pitches, proposals, flow charts, etc. I'd like to tap into some of those planning and system scope documents. Not necessarily for his project, but more for what we could do for our projects. Once again, show them don't tell them. That is huge and reoccurring theme. Show them, don't tell them.

Here are some other notes from our meeting:

- We could make some awesome customizable dashboards

- Realtime data on what is going on (tables, graphs, charts, and quick aggregates), help them see everything without overwhelming them. Full visibility.

- "Show them" and then do it over and over again.

- Talking about dream salaries between John and I. Where would you like to be, salary wise?

- Keep idea farming - that's what we do

- Shari O. joined the meeting. She loves to do some gaming. I'd love for her to come up with some ideas on how to turn adilas and the daily work into a game of sorts (the game of business). Shari O. said that she could do some light research and maybe come up with some ideas. As we were talking, she said that she changes games based on moods. That's good information. We may want to come up with something similar - what mood are you in? Ok, let's play that way. This is just a dream right now. I'd like to see where it goes.

- Keep gathering things together. Eventually, we will make our own world.

- More ideas for the application and/or system - education mode, game mode, nuts and bolts mode (just get it done - speed mode).

- More talks with Shari O. about Facebook groups, other social groups, having meetings, setting up schedules, and giving people power to run what they want to do. Make the whole thing a team effort.

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Shop 10276 Phone call with Steve 6/1/2023  

Phone call with Steve to go over hours and commitment for adilas (ship A stuff). I wanted to chat with him and ask permission to have a team meeting to discuss direction, options, and next steps. I've got a bunch of other notes... not sure if they were before the phone call with Steve, during, or after. I'm recording these notes on 6/24/23 from post-it notes that I made on 6/1/23. Anyways, here are some of my notes.

- Look for it - Seek and ye shall find - What are you looking for? Often, you find what you are looking for (good, bad, ill, faults, goodness, blessings, etc.).

- Ask for it - Knock and it shall be opened unto you.

- Bring what you can and throw it in the pot - We're making stone soup.

- Following a dream - The next phase or step of the journey

- Plans for adilas percentages - 20% of my percentages to go to help both teams A and B (normal adilas - ship A and fracture or ship B). 5% for getting the plan prepped and ready. 5% getting the funding. 5% for releasing an MVP (minimal viable product), and then 5% for ROI (return on investment). The ROI part was right from Steve during our conversation. I remember that much. That was brilliant.

- All of us would like to be able to fully turn all modules on/off at any time. That would be huge.

- I will give adilas (ship A) 10 hours a week. The rest of the time I will be working on ship B (fracture stuff).

- My biggest job is helping and dealing with people - the code and projects and products come later.

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Shop 10277 Emails and phone calls 6/1/2023  

Emails and personal phone calls to key adilas players. Touching base and answering questions about some of the new pivot stuff. It's all new for everyone. Trying to help where I can.

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Shop 10197 Working on the plan 6/1/2023  

This didn't happen with everything else going on. Busy day.

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Shop 10189 Planning with Aspen 6/1/2023  

Meeting with Aspen. We worked on an outline for the meeting on Tuesday with the rest of the team. We have lots of planning ahead of us, but we have to figure out first things first. Our current goal is getting things ready for the Tuesday team meeting. See attached for some handwritten notes.

- I'm stepping down as the lead developer. My new title will be the project coordinator for the adilas lite project.

- Note for me - stick with wireframes and pencil and pen drawings for right now. Enough to get things started. We'll refine it later on and make it look awesome.

As a side note, Aspen is good at organizing things. I'm excited to tap into that a bit. I'm kinda all over the place sometimes. Just part of who I am... :)

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Shop 10278 Emails 6/2/2023  

Spent hours trying to catch up on emails.

We really need to do something to help with the adilas email services. It is becoming a handicap and an issue. When the servers are up, it works great, but when the server is down, no good. We don't control that server and that's the problem. We may need to commission a new server and/or move some things around.

Recording notes back from 5/23/23. You should see my stack of post-it notes. Big (tons of post-it notes that need to be recorded).

- Some ideas on a new name for the adilas system - adilas express, adilas quick opps

- We may need to budget for some more people to help us out.

- A mini or free version of adilas. Maybe timecards for employees or project time cards.

- How can I get the developer's notebook to make money or provide funding right now? We have so many entries and some good stuff. Maybe just ask and have someone put the info into the right place. Going back to Harry's ideas of piece work.

- What about using AI (artificial intelligence) to help filter and come up with data? Feed it what we want and ask for a summary. Just ideas.

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Shop 10279 Recording Notes 6/2/2023  

Recording notes from 5/25/23. Sent an email to Brandon Mull (see attached) about world building and a sci-fi story idea about a small computer software company that is building a dream app and discovers world building along the way. Kinda fun.

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Shop 10280 Recording Notes 6/2/2023  

Recording notes from 5/29/23. Our users really need good tools to get their work and stuff done.

This is for me - I went and visited Dorthy Marshall today. We chatted and she is getting older. She has a trilogy that she wants to finish. Just thinking that it would be fun to help other people accomplish their dreams.

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Shop 10281 Recording Notes 6/3/2023  

Recording notes from 5/30/23.

Just some thoughts going through my head...

- Mini or free versions for user/employee timeclocks, project timecards, or simple POS (point of sale) stuff like Square or Clover. Maybe use Stripe, barcodes, receipt printers (quick and easy hardware options), and touch and/or mobile ready. Super simple options. These could be some great gateways or doorways into the bigger adilas system.

- What about simple things for every main player without going to the financial level? That would be super cool.

- As an example, say a real object takes 3-4 steps. I'm thinking about just doing steps 1 and 2 or even just step 1. Keep it super simple. Once again, this is just an example. The actual number of steps may vary based on what we are trying to do. Simple expense tracking, simple invoice or sale, simple declaration of some kind.

- On these simple transactions, what if we could show some super simple account or financials? Keep stepping closer and closer and/or prompt the user to see the next steps to get the whole process.

- That's another way to think of a "lite" version for adilas lite. Start there and then build the next step and then the next. Keep it going, little by little.

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Shop 10154 General 6/5/2023  

Random Monday morning. Phone call with John, going over ideas and game plan. Phone call with Cory to get a new project. I'm going to be fixing the AFB timeclock app. Checked in on the GoToMeeting session. Chatted with both John and Sean on the GoToMeeting session. I then got on a phone call with my sister. She has a number of small items that she would like to sell online through ecommerce.

- People over things

- People need help - for example, my sister and her little business. It's almost too small for anybody else to care about.

- Barter system - My sister is a master at that - "Come shopping at my house" - she has all kinds of arts and crafts that she makes, builds, and sews. Super creative. Along those same lines, maybe we could say something like "Come shopping at my software application". We could barter, trade, buy, sell, or whatever. Almost our own little adilas marketplace (of sorts). We have a lot to offer and goods and services could be bought and sold with more than just normal money. Fun idea.

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Shop 10169 Networking 6/5/2023  

Phone calls, texts, and reaching out to some of my contacts. I'd like to reach out to Sharik Peck, Aaron Hill, Jonathan Johnson, Mike Hall, and Josh Wheeler - to start with. Maybe others later on.

Brainstorming on quick and small ecommerce packages. And then help them get it all setup and going. Kinda a free trial basis for a couple of months. Work some magic to do some quick sprints if needed (custom or general code work to help them out).

I also sent a big text to Steve to tell him yes, I'm planning on running with ship B (adilas lite). I told him last week that I would officially let him know on Monday what my decision was. Well, this was it. I'm in!

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Shop 10219 Working with John 6/5/2023  

Touching base with John on the plan and progress there. We did some planning and brainstorming. We talked about paper and pencil/pen and what other tools are available. John was showing me some flow chart drawing apps like (diagrams). We talked a lot about the words light or lite and what that means. We talked about different levels like in skiing and snowboarding. You have true beginners, greens, blues, blacks, double blacks, and orange (freestyle or terrain parks). Basically, beginner, intermediate, advanced, and super advanced (custom).

 Our first major plan is to help funnel down some of the existing entries from the developer's notebook into smaller categories and such. As a fun side note, dealing with plans and docs, John has already done some of this type of stuff and work for some of his school projects. We may tap into that as some resources.

As a request, John wants me to start digitizing things earlier. I tend to use pen and paper and then digitize things after the fact. It may depend on what is happening and what the things are. sometimes my pen and paper model is super fast and effective. John and I spent the rest of the session going over ideas for business plans and what that will take. We talked about doing a S.W.O.T. analysis tomorrow. That stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (swot).

We talked about who may play what roles, going forward. We really want to build things that will be stable. That includes clustering, mirrors, back-ups, and enterprise level capabilities. We also need it to be sustainable, who will support it, build it, sell it, etc. (statement and a question). We need to build those pieces into the mix. Building the dream together.

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Shop 10185 Planning with Aspen 6/5/2023  

Meeting with Aspen. We reviewed notes and made some new plans. See full sheets of paper. We have 5 of them. See attached. She was making them into more solid documents and plans.

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Shop 10157 General 6/6/2023  

All kinds of little things. Emails and reviewing the adilas docs. John had been in there making some changes. Sent an email out about the pivot group meeting tonight to go over ship A and ship B stuff.

Small notes for me - There is a huge value in education alone. If you combine education, training, and maintenance, you have a huge piece of the puzzle. Those pieces will help support the whole. I added in a few research links to our Google doc for master plan research.

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Shop 10218 Reading some great poems 6/6/2023  

Reading some great poems that my dad sent to me. Went out to the lake to read them just to be outside. See attached.

Small ideas - what if we did some small sessions or workshops to help small business owners get setup with a website and simple ecommerce stuff? We could help them, hold their hands, and give them access to the ecommerce world. We could do this one-on-one or we could do small classes and then help them afterwards, one-on-one. Basically, make it easy and give them step-by-step instructions. The more intuitive, the better. Maybe even provide small web templates for them to use to setup other pages for a simple website. It may also be nice to tie it in with merchant processing or whatever. The whole package as a mini product.

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Shop 10167 Working on the plan 6/6/2023  

John and I had a great session working on a S.W.O.T. (swot) analysis - that stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. You basically have a brainstorming session and list out different things under each category. We made some pretty good lists. Many of the same things could be viewed as both strengths and weaknesses. There was quite a bit of crossover between the different categories and topics.

John was working Adobe XD while I was listing things out. We had small conversations about each section. It was really fun. I took a small screenshot (not even a fraction of it). The document still needs some refining and work, but a great start.

Right at the end, we had the thought to do a SWOT analysis for smaller sub sections. Our first attempt was dealing with general adilas and the new fracture or adilas lite product that we are going to create. We could do a SWOT analysis for the main adilas (ship A), fracture (ship B or adilas lite), adilas university, adilas marketplace, our development team, etc. It might be nice to break things down a bit.

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Shop 10184 Planning with Aspen 6/6/2023  

Reviewing with Aspen and going over the adilas lite group meeting introduction and agenda. I made a new sales graph for adilas revenue since 2008 to current. That was kinda fun.

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Shop 10198 Special Team GoToMeeting Session - Talking about the future of adilas 6/6/2023  

Group intro meeting for Ship A and Ship B - current adilas (ship A) and where we want to take adilas to create the next level (fracture or adilas lite - aka Ship B). We had 10 people on the call/meeting. I took a bunch of notes, Aspen took some notes, and we recorded it. See attached. After the main meeting, a few of us hung around expressing other ideas and then after everyone else left, Aspen and I had a small chat.

Notes from Aspen and Brandon talking after everyone had left:

- Start emphasizing what we are doing

- Fixing the scary things (rounding off corners and refining things)

- She (Aspen) would like to try to pitch it a bit (build it up and be able to help pitch it)

- Help Steve with a viable product and plan (MVP's) that he can sell. Help him to see that he can sell anything, including things that are poorly planned out. Imagine what he could do if we gave him something to work with (MVP's - minimal viable product, plan, person, etc.).

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Shop 10209 General 6/7/2023  

Quick phone call with John. We jumped on the GoToMeeting. Sean was on there and asked about the group meeting about the pivot that we had last night. We reported to him. I then helped John get passed a small payroll issue that he was having on his local box. I did some checking on an employee/co-owner draw and gathered some history info. Quick phone call with Shari O. to chat about the meeting. She will pass me over the recording when it gets uploaded. I then sent out an email to all of the guys/gals with the notes from last night's meeting.

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Shop 10206 Lunch meeting with a friend 6/7/2023  

Met a friend for lunch to talk about some of the ins and outs of banking and loans. My friend's name was Mike Hall, former banker for years and years. He is now retired. He was a master and even won a number of different recognitions and awards. I had a bunch of questions for him, and we chatted after finishing our lunch. Here are some of the things that I learned.

- Sell the vision - it really helps if you can transfer the vision to others - Mike talked about a client that would take him out to the site (physical location) and show him what he was thinking. Any way to help show that vision.

- Be excited about it - You've got to love it - Having that real entrepreneurial spirit

- He had clients that would bring in others to help pitch the pitch - key contacts, clients, end users, etc.

- Numbers are numbers, very black and white. Eventually it comes down to the person who is pitching it and/or the person who has to carry the weight (financial burden). Sometimes the person's attitude can tip the scales. Say the numbers are 50/50 (could go either way), do they believe in the person (character).

- Don't overkill on the numbers. Help them see the intangibles. That is huge - what benefits will this bring, what are the cause and effects, what happens that is hard to place a number on, etc.

- Collateral is a big piece. Another big one is cash flow. You can have a great idea that is making money but it you can't cash flow, it tends to die.

- We talked about Sears and JC Penny's and how they had the entire catalog market - they were set. Eventually they went under due to be so tied to brick-and-mortar stores vs going digital like Amazon (using technology). You got to be willing to change.

- If there is some set criteria, make sure that you hit it. After that, the banker tends to make or go off of gut feeling on how well it will do.

- We talked about relationships (with your banker). If you have a good relationship, it becomes easier to talk about the hard conversations and/or give insight if things are going well or not so well. Bankers don't like it when a missed payment is the first sign of trouble. They would much rather have a good relationship (open) with you and your business.

- We talked about investors and venture capital (VC) stuff. He said, there tends to be good VC guys and bad VC guys. He hasn't met too many that are in the middle. He was saying be really careful of companies that stack the deck. Is it a win/win or is a winner take all (super one-sided, especially for failure). We also talked about private capital or private equity.

- Keep the expectations real. It's not a war - us vs them. Play well together (meaning investors and borrowers or owners).

- Make sure it's a good fit. It's ok to agree to move on and play/transact with other lenders.

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Shop 10210 Working on AFB timeclock 6/7/2023  

Back on the AFB timeclock project. A client had put in a request, and we were going to look deeper into it to see if we could determine what was going on. For the record, I couldn't make it fail but we tightened it up a bit more anyways. Spent time reading the emails and reading over the code, logic, and flow. Wrote down a few ideas of things to try.

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Shop 10211 Back on the timeclock project 6/7/2023  

Another session working on the AFB timeclock project. This is a small unmanned, no login required, timeclock where a users just enters their user id and the system clocks them in/out. Kinda like a standalone dummy terminal just for clocking in/out. Anyways, made some changes and did some testing. Changed some query names and added some new logic to make sure that everything passed the validation and flow. Pushed up the code and emailed the client.

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Shop 10212 Emails 6/7/2023  

Emails and giving Bryan a small assignment for helping with ship B stuff. Bryan would like to help us out. I also read a bigger email from Alan about teams and some of the pros and cons of running with a specialized team. He would like to help code, lead, do project management, and be part of the team that does the system architecture stuff. I sent Alan a reply and said, great, let's define your role and involvement. Good stuff!

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Shop 10213 Recording Notes 6/7/2023  

Recording notes from today. For some reason, today was a bit more draining than some of the other days. All part of the game.

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Shop 10214 Project Management 6/8/2023  

Quick phone call with Cory to get the next project. Reaching out to Bryan to setup a meeting time. Jumped on a GoToMeeting session with Bryan. Light code review. He was going to fix a few things and then we were going to get back together.

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Shop 10216 Paying bills 6/8/2023  

Checking on and paying bills.

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Shop 10215 Code review with Bryan 6/8/2023  

Code review with Bryan. Looking at the super sub invoice line item search. Going over sort options. Looking at form params and matching things up. Light refining of the back and forth - refine my search options. Talking about being able to save the reports to help with saving steps. He was going to keep adding to the page features and then get back with me.

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Shop 10217 Recording Notes 6/8/2023  

Paying a few more bills and recording notes. Worked on notes and entries from 6/5/23 and 6/6/23. Lots of crazy days.

Also, as a side note, I ran across some entries on watchers and feeders and doing daily category sums, counts, and other data per location, per day, per category. That may be something that we look back into for fracture.

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Shop 10221 6/6/23 Meeting Summary 6/8/2023  

Adilas Lite Concepts

  • a slimmer, prettier, more stable model--core in particular is very stable
  • begins as basic skins, then is highly customizable--clients can choose to use only the certain pieces that meet their needs
  • has defined prices and is built to be profitable
  • built with room for expansions, future developments in technology, and is white label capable

To Do

  • get specific about what documents/sub plans belong in the larger plan/proposal/blueprint
  • set up Adilas Lite team meeting time; clarify roles and management
  • clarity blockades to sales by connecting with sales team and clients
  • market research, risk mitigation planning, clarify SBA loan liabilities
  • be thinking of marketing strategies/aspects that would get investors excited
  • keep Ship A running and profitable
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Shop 10188 Planning with Aspen 6/8/2023  

Meeting with Aspen. She was doing a summary of the notes from our intro meeting the other day (6/6/23). See element of time # 10221 in the shop for the summary. I was recording notes and then going over the summary with Aspen. Quick but good meeting.

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Shop 10208 Meeting with my sister - business consulting 6/9/2023  

Met with my sister and my mom. Both have small little shops and want to sell things online and use things like Venmo and PayPal to get paid. Super simple ecommerce needs. Another thing that they really needed was someone to help them. They can both text, email, shoot pictures, and do other phone and computer stuff. They don't know how to make business cards, crop graphics, and/or setup merchant processing with store fronts.

Anyways, I thought that it was a great meeting and really helped me see the need for helping some of the small independent vendors and mom and pop shops sell their stuff. We could easily handle what they want... it's just a mater of making it easy and simple to do.

Futuristically, this may be a great little thing for the adilas marketplace. I would love to see a spot where a user/vendor could add their items, list them, we help them track things, and then we do all of the ecommerce stuff and get them paid out (with a small fee to make it all happen). We could easily do that.

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Shop 10233 Permissions for the guys 6/9/2023  

Prep work for getting the guys and gals to log their hours in the adilas shop for ship B (adilas lite or facture). Setting up permissions for time, special reports, and checking each user to make sure that they had the correct permissions.

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Shop 10234 General 6/10/2023  

Paying bills, emails, and sending out instructions on how to log time in the adilas shop. Recording notes.

A few quick notes and ideas...

- On a hike yesterday morning, I was thinking about the adilas cafe. Imagine a person sitting down looking at a menu or a person looking at a digital menu board. What do you want? What do you want to do? Our menus may not be food items, but it could be what would you like to see? Do? etc.

- What if we offered our business functions such as CRM (customer relationship management) or POS (point of sale) options vs customers, invoices, PO's, items, etc. Basically, we have 12 business functions that we offer. We also have 12 business application players that help us get the business functions that we want. Maybe just some different ways to pitch or let our users choose what they want to do or see.

- I'd like to setup some rules for participating in the new build out (ship B). This is part of the bigger community effort. I'd like each person to be able to make their own timecards (already available, just need a small instruction doc to line it out). All actual hours will be held in sub dates and times (subs of the main element of time). I'd like to tie it out to an expense/receipt so that it goes into the accounts payable (A/P's). We could then clean out those payables weekly, monthly, etc. as needed. If something sits in the payables for over six months, we ask the person if they want to roll that over to the balance sheet as a form of investment. If yes, it would then start accruing interest and be held similar to a loan or investment. We could pay simple interest of 5% annually (just guessing at that number right now).

- If that model works well for our internal team, when we are ready, and if we want to, we could do something similar to potential approved outside parties. This needs more thought, but I wanted to put it out there. This would be an even deeper community effort of sorts. We would still setup rules, control things, but I have no problem with others who want to help and/or help build it out. Along those same lines, we would make sure that the rules and who they reported to (and any other rules or specs) would be assigned and set forth.

- Flipping over to ship A (existing adilas platform or application). What about an MVP for ship A? Getting that fully done could pay some major dividends. It could also help smooth things out and create harmony and unity. I would really like that. Here is a quick link to a possible MVP plan for the current adilas system.

- Only run as fast as you are able.

- I was thinking about the SBA loan. I would love to get it paid off or at least help pay it down. It's not huge, but it would help with the stress load.

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Shop 10235 Financial products we could offer 6/11/2023  

Just thinking about some ideas for financial products for adilas and adilas lite (fracture).

- We could offer short term investments - 2-5 years for payouts on investments or loans. These could be higher interest rates as we would be paying them back quicker. May need to research rates.

- We could offer long term or longer term investments - 5-50+ years - These could be lower interest rates as we would be paying them back either over longer periods or potentially letting them sit in the long term liabilities (loans and long term payables) for long time periods. They, the lender/investor would still get paid, it would be more of a long term deal where they were making money off of the interest while still having the payable on the books and financials (balance sheet).

- There are at least 4 main entities that I can think of right now. They are the main adilas, llc (main or mother ship), the adilas shop (development, IT, and R&D stuff for adilas and special projects), the adilas university (education and training entity), and the adilas marketplace that could have a number of subs underneath and/or somehow associated with it. See the adilas jelly fish model for rough sketch of the corporate structure and how they all play together. Long story short, adilas creates a number of byproducts and has a constant need for other supporting products and professional services. That's pretty cool! All of these could be their own business or entity.

- On the adilas marketplace concept, maybe treat it like virtual real estate or a mini mall type venue. Tons of different options. See attached for a small graphic of what it could be like (just a concept). I'd love to see business funding, investments, marketing, and planning to join the existing ideas of accountants, CPA's, attorneys, bookkeepers, consultants, custom code, developers, graphic design, hardware, merchant processing, sales, tech support, and other third party solutions. It could be anything, either built under the adilas umbrella and/or a complete independent third party. Tons of options there. Along with this idea... maybe treat it like a railroad. We own the railroad tracks but others can own cars, businesses, etc.

- Back to other financial products for adilas - We could offer options for ship A - current adilas. We could offer packages or options for ship B - future adilas buildout - fracture or adilas lite.

- We could offer options for sponsor for certain features. This could be all internal, approved third parties, or a mix of whatever. Small side note, I was exploring this concept more on 6/14/23 about possible sponsors for modules and features.

- This is more for me, but I'd like to meet with some of my friends to get some ideas from them. Allen Marler, Sheldon Archibald, Matt Funk, etc. Good guys that I know and that I could learn from.

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Shop 10155 Brandon and Bryan review and push code for super_sub_invoice_line_search.cfm 6/12/2023  

Code review with Bryan. Working with Cory on projects and small fix on a timecard report for Steve. Working on paid projects for ship A. Notes were added into adilas timecards.

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Shop 10237 The tech stack matters 6/12/2023  

I met a friend and his wife for dessert. My wife was with me as well. My buddy is a high-end developer in the Salt Lake City area. I was telling him all about our plans to build out ship B (adilas lite or fracture). We had a great conversation, and he was a great sounding board. He was praising us, the current team, for making it happen and supporting our families for years and years.

One of my biggest takeaways from our meeting was dealing with the tech stack. Basically, what servers and technologies are you built on? Or how did you develop and deploy your code? What backend servers and frontend frameworks are you standing on? We talked about legacy systems, pros and cons, and quite a bit about perception (what people think - right off the bat). He kept saying that "the tech stack matters". Meaning, investors and others may have a say in what technologies are being used and developed. He didn't have one specifically that he recommended, but we did chat about a few options.

He was also asking questions about, maintenance, technical debt, dependencies, libraries, and who is going to build it, maintain it, and improve upon it? Great questions. He was basically recommending that we widen that piece as much as possible, especially if we are building from the ground up. Prep the field and make it as future proof as possible. Great ideas.

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Shop 10220 General 6/12/2023  

Meeting with Wayne. Talking about payments. Ways to speed checks up getting over to Portugal. We may end up helping him do remote deposits via photos of the check and speeding things up that way.

He and I talked about practical stuff. How are we going to write our code? How will things get implemented? Basically, the why, the how, the when, the how much, the what, where, and way. All of those types of questions. We really want to make sure that things get fully tested and are stable. Making some plans.

Emails and light tech support. We had a client that wanted and needs some bulk tools to remove some reoccurring elements of time. Currently, you have to remove those elements of time one by one. There are no bulk tools for destroying and/or removing events. That could be a great future build.

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Shop 10232 Weekly Objectives For Adilas Lite: 6/12/23--6/17/23 6/12/2023  

Meeting with Aspen to go over parts of the plan. She ended up doing some research on fracture and I was recording notes and such.

Notes from Aspen - see below

Adilas Lite Weekly Objectives


1. Smooth over the relationship with Ship A

1.1. Propose prototype testing for Ship B components on Ship A

1.2. Win-win for all parties–helpful features that Ship A won't have to pay for directly, Ship B gets the assurance that their components work, Team harmony improves

2. Get Ship B Organized

2.1. Variety of Meetings, prepare documents for a more technical meeting with Wayne on the 14th

2.2. Project Management Document Summary, start on strategies

3.Complete Personal Hours, Etc.

4. Classification of Projects Under MVP and Non-MVP Categories

4.1. Helps focus efforts

4.2. Both need to be clear

4.3. MVP needs to be built with potential Non-MVP build-ins in mind

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Shop 10239 Networking 6/13/2023  

Texting some of my contacts to meet for lunch or whatever. Light networking with friends and acquaintances.

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Shop 10226 Work on the sales and profit report 6/13/2023  

Working on the daily sales and profit reports. We had a client who wanted to see all invoice payments per day, even if they didn't sell anything that day but just got some payments from invoices that were on account. We have a number or reports that already show that data. The client wanted that data to show up on a special report. The existing report only showed data based on the main invoices that happened for a specific date range. It's ok for main invoices, invoice line items, and invoice payment to have different dates. That's how we track accounts receivable (A/R's).

So, we went in and opened it up a bit more. Also added in some notes on the error messages to show any other details that were needed to help the users. Pushed up the new code and let Cory know.

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Shop 10166 Working on the plan 6/13/2023  

Emails and research. Meeting with John. Quick update on servers. It sounds like Wayne and John are working on a small mini project for the adilas cafe model. After that, John and I spent time working on the SWOT analysis. We were going over our strengths and weaknesses and making notes on each entry. We pretty much spent the whole time going over that. The current authoring file is on the Adobe Cloud. Lots of little comments, links, and researching out stats and what not.

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Shop 10240 Backing out some code 6/13/2023  

Phone call with Cory. We had to back out some code. We fixed a known issue but created a small disconnect for a different client. Both clients are using the same report. One client offers or extends credit to their clients (invoices on account). The other one just deals with cash and needs the report to filter on a per salesperson basis and doesn't care about any other relative data. The disconnect is the date on the invoice payments. If you extend credit, the invoice payment date may be different than the actual invoice date. If you just do cash type transactions, they always match up. Anyways, we reverted some code and pushed up the old code until we can figure out a plan moving forward. I hate doing that (reverting code) but sometimes it helps calm the tech support lines. My ideal would be just fix it and let it move forward. Sometimes, if it is under pressure, people aren't very patient and thus the quick revert.

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Shop 10186 Planning with Aspen 6/13/2023  

Meeting with Aspen and going a small review of what is happening (daily). Emails, text messages, and then recording notes for today (6/13) as well as adding in a video link for the group pivot meeting on 6/6/23.

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Shop 10245 Recording Notes 6/14/2023  

Texts, emails, and started recording notes from the end of May. I'm a little bit behind, but there is some good stuff there. I want to get it all recorded.

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Shop 10230 Push vendor catalog code with Eric 6/14/2023  

Met with Eric to look at some code. We chatted about some time zone offset questions and date/time stamps that a 3rd party was asking about. We then got into a small discussion about better data modeling (see below). Eric has worked with numerous companies that have built and destroyed whole systems. We talked about some pros and cons and where we are heading for fracture as well as ship A and ship B stuff. We then flipped over to the enterprise vendor catalog changes that Eric was working on. We did a small code review, light clean-up, and merged in some code.

Eric and I – talking about the data model (database stuff)

- Problem with the unique id's – too much reliance on the existing primary keys – switch it to combo primary keys

- Any time you repeat things, you may want to look at the data model

- Cross-corp issues – for example – cross-corp loyalty points

- Po/Invoice lines – database table – breaking large datasets into corp-specific tables – that's how we solved the performance issues – there may be a better way to do that

- Better DB conventions vs table naming for corp-specific tables

- Enterprise level – aggregates and query data

- Shareable data models – associated tables

- Problems with text-based fields that combine records – for example: customer phone numbers

- Lots of talk about associations and setting up those relationships – master lists and who has access to that data, association, and/or relationships

- Refactoring things as we are in there working on things – smaller nibbles – iteration process – keeping chipping away at it along the way

- If we have a multi-page flow - make sure we use a common standard vs every page being different. A list of set standards.

- ETL - extract, transform, load - This is part of data warehousing and we would love to do it along the way vs just at the very end. Let's plan it into the fracture or adilas lite project.

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Shop 10246 Recording Notes 6/14/2023  

Recording notes from 5/31/23. Lots of good stuff and some new changes and ideas were going on. That is right about the time that we started the transition between ship A (current adilas platform) and ship B (fracture and adilas lite). Lots of good stuff.

As a fun side note, as I was recording some ideas... I had the idea about - what if we build out features and modules and charge accordingly? That's where we want to go anyways. We could pay a commission on those modules to whomever helped up build and fund them. Just treat it (the reoccurring commission) as part of the cost of using a specific module. Almost like a sponsor or sponsorship of a certain part of the adilas platform. See element of time # 10244 in the shop for some other ideas.

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Shop 10247 Checking on projects 6/14/2023  

Checking in on the next couple of projects. One is a repair job, another is a new build out. I've also got to get with some of the guys to push code. None of that stuff was really ready. Left a voicemail with Cory asking for priorities.

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Shop 10248 Recording Notes 6/14/2023  

More recording notes from 5/31/23. Fun to relive some of those memories and ideas. Lots of good stuff on that day.

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Shop 10242 Bryan push PO Main flex attributes 6/14/2023  

Meeting with Bryan to push the flex attributes for PO's. The flex attributes allow for custom data endpoints per main group (12 main player groups). We currently only have flex attributes for customers, elements of time, and now PO's. Eventually, we want to add this same feature for each of the 12 main player groups. As a side note, originally, these flex attributes were going to be called real in-line database extensions and were going to be the big brother of the flex grid tie-ins. When we get everything out to the fracture level, we want to make sure that we have the flex attributes built out for each main player group. The main player groups are: Deposits, invoices, PO's, expense/receipts, balance sheet items, stock/units, customers, vendors, employee/users, parts/items, elements of time, and quotes.

Another thing that is really wanted, and we would like to build for fracture, is a granular level of both visibility and searchability. The clients want to be able to see everything and then be able to filter it down as well. That seems to be a reoccurring theme and request. Currently we have a number of prebuilt reports. That is great and all and needs to continue. However, to make it even better, we need to provide options on the advanced searches that show every field, every connection, allow for toggle on/off (show/hide) fields and columns, filters for each section, and options for both show and export. Once again, full visibility and full searchability. That's the goal. Adilas - all data is live and searchable.

Bryan and I got his code all merged in and pushed up to data 0 for testing.

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Shop 10228 Meeting with Bryan 6/14/2023  

Went over to Bryan's house and we had a brainstorming session on his new upstairs patio. Beautiful view and good times. It rained on us but we were protected from most of it. See attached for a scan of my notes. Lots of ideas for fracture or adilas lite.

Here are a few notes:

- Mobile first - plan accordingly. Allow for mobile and desktop settings (show/hide for fields).

- Be able to setup your own data assembly line - based on what you care about. We will try to provide the pieces and modules and you can put it together how you want it and/or need it.

- Lots of talk about API sockets and small microservices.

- Lite or simple apps - for each layer - if you want more, just choose the next pieces. Play with aggregates (sums, counts, averages, maxes, mins, etc.) unless you need more details. If yes, just keep peeling back the layers.

- We have a friend that was pitching us on Deductr a long time ago (back in 2015 ish). It was a quick mobile app for simple expense tracking, simple mileage tracking, and simple categories and reports. Adilas can do so much more but we need to present it in a way that feels easy like Deductr (aka Hurdlr).

- Choose your own adventure or choose your own business process - similar concept. When I was a kid, I used to love reading the choose your own adventure books. As I grow up, what if I could do the same thing and put together my own business adventure (map it out based on needs, wants, and decisions).

- Talking about free versions of our software/web apps. We could also have or offer upgrades. If someone really wanted to play the reoccurring revenue game with us, we could allow them to sponsor and/or fund certain modules or sub modules and then pay them a reoccurring commission on clients who use those pieces. Bryan and I were talking about possible ideas and how that might work. Fun stuff!

- We talked about growth, slow and steady, and natural (organic) growth.

- At what point does the scale start tipping? What feature or add-on will really make it go? Or do we need to pull back some of the complexity and make it even more simple. If you want deeper, you just ask for it (layers) and then you get what you want vs having to have the whole thing every time.

- Lots of talk about pain points and how that tends to help with growth and being willing to pay for a solution to those pain points. If someone pays for an enhancement or feature, we tend to roll it into the mix. Kinda a piggy backing type system where one person pays for something, everyone gains (piggy backs) and then next person pays for the next enhancement. It has worked great for us. Sometimes we call it idea farming.

- Creativity is a chance - there is a possibility of failure with creative stuff - that doesn't mean don't do it - you just have to know there is a chance involved.

- It may be ok to use older code, if needed. Keep rolling forward and revamp, refactor, and rewrite as needed.

- Bryan and I also talked about API socket connections, simple website builders, easy payment solutions, dashboards, widgets, advanced reporting, and simple timeclocks. Tons of fun topics. See the attached notes for some other ideas.

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Shop 10229 Meeting with Wayne and Alan 6/14/2023  

After hours meeting with Wayne, Alan, John, Bryan, and I. Wayne pretty much drove and I took notes. It went for three hours. We have the first two hours recorded (see attached). The last hour, we thought that we were done and it kept going with ideas and more clarification stuff. It may be a lot to read, but I've got 5 pages of notes, all dealing with fracture and where we are heading with adilas lite. Some of these topics are deep, backend, and server and database related. Good meeting.

I have no problem saying this... I was definitely not the smartest person in the room. I've been doing this kind of stuff for over 20+ years and I was impressed. That makes me excited.

Once again, if you want to review the notes, there are a bunch of good things in there for our upcoming fracture or adilas lite project.

These are a few of my takeaways:

- We need to communicate and get some standards setup. This could be what we call things, what code to use and how it looks and acts, and other style guide level stuff.

- Our plan is to build the whole new parts and pieces into an open API socket connection level application. We could then use API sockets as well as let outside developers use the same API sockets. We talked a lot about this. This is where we want to head. The new adilas lite platform will be mostly run on API sockets.

- Rules and assignments - the concept of building the rules and then assigning who plays with those rules was a big part of the discussion. Follow a story-based design for logic, testing, etc. Make all of this data driven.

- Think generic - what is available - what do you want or need? Make everything configurable. Multiple levels of configuration. See notes.

- We will be building a very robust data dictionary and then using that in the rules, validation routines, etc. This is basically a database that shows columns, names, values, rules, defaults, and other information about those columns and/or fields. This is huge and will help us use a more data driven approach vs hardcoding all of the rules, values, and validation per column. We will have a generic set and then let each corp, location, and user tweak a copy, if they want to get that deep. If not, we will use the main master data dictionary list information. Only change and copy what is needed.

- Events and turning everything into small bite sized pieces. Very minimalistic approach. Make as much of this application asynchronous (nonlinear) as possible.

- Let's do the aggregates (data warehousing stuff) right off the bat and get those values in place and being used. We are very good at transactional data and data storage. Let's really make an effort to break into the aggregated or business intelligence (BI) levels. That is a huge goal of ours.

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Shop 10249 Recording Notes 6/15/2023  

Phone call with Shari O. to go over a few things. Emails and recording notes from yesterday (6/14/23). Busy day.

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Shop 10207 Lunch meeting with a friend 6/15/2023  

Went into town to meet with Aaron Hill for a lunch meeting. Tons of great ideas and basically a full on business consulting session. Aaron did a great job. See attached for my hand scribbled notes.

Here are a few takeaways:

- Aaron was talking about a book called "The 6 Types of Working Genius" and where each person fits in. We spent some time on that and even talking about our own strengths and weaknesses.

- I'm in the way - how can I get out of the way and let my guys/gals run with things? We spent quite a bit of time talking about this. Along these lines, I'm the guy who has to help them catch the vision of where we are wanting to go. I may be doing less of the actual coding or tasks, but I've got to get them the vision and make sure that we are all on the same page. Help make it (the plan and/or vision) more clear.

- I have a great team already. We just need to define the roles and give them authority and then let them run with it.

- My personality tends to be kinda nitpicky. It has its place, but we need to focus more on the "what" (outcome) vs the "how" (or how I would do it). If they are doing it, let them do it how they want. We are more worried about the final outcome vs the processes to get there. Aaron was telling me that I may have to suppress the nitpicky tendencies (super detail oriented). That may be hard for me.

- One of my jobs is making and gathering up the ideas and spinning the vision.

- Embrace the mess - not perfect but getting there - it's a process

- Respecting others and their skills, genius, creativity, and style

- Be careful how quickly you jump ahead... You may be seeing multiple steps ahead of where you are at. That is awesome, but don't expect everyone to be right there with you. Help lead and guide them, from where they are at.

- Everything tends to go in cycles. If needed, wait your turn and it will come back around. Be patient, the timing is very important for feedback, directives, and brainstorming. Aaron had a cool acronym - B.F.D. - brainstorming, feedback, and directives (actual instructions). I may have messed that up a bit but it was something like that. Sometimes we have to help people know what level we are talking about - For example: You may have to say, just brainstorming here but what about... or This is some feedback, what if we did such and such. You get the idea. Sometimes, it is really clear in our heads but others don't know where a certain thing or topic may be categorized. Clear communication.

- There are lots of decisions that need to be made. Let my guys/gals make those decisions. It just all needs to come together and be compatible. If needed, keep circling back around.

- Shift from task oriented to vision oriented - If needed, have a funeral for your tasks.

See the attached notes for more ideas and details. Great meeting. As a side note, after the meeting, we went and looked at Aaron's shop. We talked about byproducts, business consulting, and potential for other byproduct type businesses from what we are doing. Good stuff.

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Shop 10183 Reading and planning 6/15/2023  

Reading notes and making plans. Reread an email from Alan dealing with hours, teams, and roles. Printed out a small document dealing with a small overview of the book - The 6 Types of Working Genius. I got the little packet from Aaron Hill (his results from an assessment that he took). Good reading and insightful. It talked about working genius levels or types. It also talked about working competencies and working frustrations. The packet contained a small summary or summaries of each subset of the six types - Wonder, Invention, Discernment, Galvanizing, Enablement, and Tenacity.

I ended up calling and talking with Alan for a bit. We chatted and I scribbled some notes. See attached.

Here are a few of the notes:

- Stay a week or so ahead

- Let's plan and do some user experience studies and look into the some of the human factors of our fracture project. Human centered design stuff. Alan wanted to go into this as a career choice. He has some good stills and has taken a number of psychology classes dealing with page layout, flow, navigation, etc. Lots of usability stuff.

- Be agile with the planning - short sprints and focused planning - just in time deliverables vs a huge plan of a plan of a plan.

- It's ok to use hand drawings (at first). Eventually we'll make them tighter and more professional - like Adobe XD or live prototypes.

- Alan and I are planning on meeting a few times a week to get some of the initial planning kicked off and going.

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Shop 10251 General 6/16/2023  

Various different things. Emails, notes, and working on some paid adilas projects. Working on the daily/weekly reports and being able to bypass the stop if no invoices were found. Also did some planning for a new project for some mechanics and their need for being able to tie customer vehicles to certain invoices. Hours were recorded inside of adilas on the different projects.

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Shop 10252 Meeting with friends for breakfast 6/19/2023  

Meeting with Sharik Peck and his wife Cheryl Peck. They own and operate Maximum Function Physical Therapy and a company called Rezzimax (managing pain and stress through tuned/calibrated vibration therapy). I've known the Pecks for years and I wanted to get some ideas and info on entrepreneurship, crowdfunding, and basic advice for business. They served up a might big helping...

We met at the bagel shop in Smithfield and chatted for about an hour and a half. Great meeting. See attached for some scribbled notes. We talked about a number of fun topics. Here are some of my notes:

- One of the first things that Cheryl said was - pay your tithing. We talked about tithing and making generous contributions (oferings) to God and church. Pay more than you think you can. You can't out do God's blessings.

- Turn your existing customer base into your brand or product ambassadors. They know it, use it, and hopefully love it. Use that momentum. Help to educate them so that they can pass it along. It's totally worth spending time and money on this group. Incentivize them with products, education, and other money or perks. In a way, try to duplicate yourself. Sharik really spent some time talking about this. It seems to be a big key and a great group where you can focus both energy and efforts.

- Your product should have a tiered structure with incentives and other benefits. We talked about entry level, basic certifications or cert levels, and ambassadors or torchbearer levels. If they are excited about your product or service, they will tell others.

- Promote your success stories - use testimonials, small videos, word of mouth, and natural networking.

- Don't try to sell - just share the possible - It's ok if the purchase is delayed a bit - they may circle back around and really want what you have to offer. Let them want it and seek after it.

- Financial takes care of itself - help people and help the world.

- God and an abundant model - put your trust in God, be willing to do His will. A mindset change and then let God take over. Don't try to limit God.

- Knowledge - share, share, share - if you died and didn't share, that would be tragic - knowledge not shared is knowledge not gained (I don't know who said that, but it was a quote from someone).

- My job - leave as many people with understanding of what I know before leaving this world

- We talked about public speaking and asking to speak at events. Getting the word out - from the source. Not every speaking gig is the right fit. Know when to walk.

- From Jeff Young - 2 things about employees. Give it a 3-month trial period. If it is right, you will be happy and will gladly write that check (virtually everyday).

- Recipes and allowing those recipes (with their ingredients or pieces) to be modified. Some sort of starting point and/or package. It could always be tweaked, but it is at least a good starting point to build off of.

- Sometimes your biggest critics can be your best promoters and biggest fans.

- Ideas on doing your own conferences and putting on your own events. For their company, the highest level of cert requires an in-person training event. Getting everybody together in one place is huge. Record it and then use that content. That is worth a ton and there are a number of intangible benefits as well.

- Flexibility - physically and mentally - being flexible and allowing for growth.

We had a great meeting and I learned a ton. See my notes for a few other things that I didn't write down here. Great way to spend the morning!

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Shop 10254 New server 6/19/2023  

Got a text from Shari O. asking me to jump on the GoToMeeting session. The guys had spun up a new server and she was trying to get in. We ended up contacting Wayne and Cory and worked through a few things. Some of the settings weren't quite right. We got it all figured out. This seemed like a special case. We had copied images and a database from data 33 to data 39 and then Wayne had flipped some values and ids. Basically, a company needed a full deep copy and then wanted that new corporation to be able to be completely separate and run independently. I'm glad that we have some talented folks on our team. We did something similar years ago and it took me days and days.

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Shop 10227 Settings for vehicles in shopping cart 6/19/2023   Working on the additional customer vehicles assignment project. Spent some time working on the database update script. Got partway done with the new updates and had to stop for another meeting. The other person didn't show up, so I just kept working. Ended up getting the update scripts finished. That was nice. Pushed up code to bit bucket.
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Shop 10174 Recording Notes 6/19/2023  

Playing the constant game of recording notes. Finished up notes from 6/14/23 and started on 6/15/23. It feels like I'm always about a week behind. I will say this, as you go back through things, it really helps to see the progression of things over time. Good stuff.

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Shop 10191 Planning with Aspen 6/19/2023  

Meeting with both Alan and Aspen. I took some notes and Aspen took some notes. After the meeting, I did some more note recording and note digitizing for 6/15/23 and for 6/16/23.

Alan was on with us for the first hour. Here are some of my notes. See attached for all of them.

- Let's build out the MVP for the plan - general fracture or adilas lite planning session - what documents does that mean and/or require?

- Two of the first main things we want to do is define the jelly fish model (business structure) and the value add-on core model. Those two are some known needs of where we are heading.

- We spent quite a bit of time talking about how to break functionality and features up. We want to keep those separate as far as options.

- I showed Alan the presentation gallery and the outline of the business functions. There is quite a bit of work that has already been done there. Great resources.

- Small packages and/or starting points - We could call it whatever - recipes, packages, templates, industry specific skins, presets, etc.

- Alan wanted us to think about tiers and scaling - both vertical and horizontal. I was thinking, what about the Z scale or the depth/layering axis. Just for fun 3D scaling and 3D world building. It might be fun to explore this.

- We talked a little bit about pricing and tier levels. We would like to set breakpoints, ranges, and fees for going over.

- We asked Alan about his vision for adilas lite and fracture - He is really excited about creating a solution that is light weight and very efficient. In his words, he said, How can I get the most power with the least amount of drag? We went on to talk about hiding things that they don't need and getting them to the meat of the operation as quickly as possible. We will do future planning sessions where we look at each section and slim it down to the minimum or minimal requirements.

- This is a side note, but as I have been thinking about minimal pieces, I keep coming back to a concept that we were looking into called standalone declarations (full entries without any other connections and/or supporting documentation). They exist by themselves but they also may be mapped and pointed to the right place. We could sum them up, count them, map them, and keep it super simple. Originally it was going to be something that could be made for financial documents (P&L and the balance sheet)  but technically we could use them in any way. Simple standalone pieces.

- Spend the time and do some market research on what business verticals we could hit and take care of.

- Lots of talk about automation and even automating the setup of new systems. Let people try things out as a free or limited version. We would setup thresholds, limits, ranges, or whatever. We want people to try it out and like it.

- We talked about ice bergs and mountains (perception of how big it is). We also switched and talked about the depth of the water... pretend levels of swimming - Imagine that you are at the beach - you could get your feet wet, do some wading, swimming, snorkeling, or scuba diving. All at the same place, just how deep and serious are you or what are you looking for?

- Once we have a list of things that need to be done and/or worked on, we get to prioritize that list. What do we want to build out and when?

- Alan had the idea of putting our outline information into a database. That way we could just query things (just in time) as needed. That way we could make the lists super small and then allow for it to be expanded at will. Great idea. Simple displays with drill-downs. Almost the presentation gallery for sales, marketing, pricing, features, and education.

- We also want to highlight future plans and what is up and coming. We change things all the time. Make that part of the plan and the part of the presentation. Put it in a database and let our users pull back what information they want and/or need. Self-building templates, feature lists, tiers, and other levels.

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Shop 10238 Meeting with Shari O. 6/19/2023  

Poor Shari O. - I got so busy I totally forgot about this appointment. We will meet up later, but this didn't happen. My bad.

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Shop 10255 Recording Notes 6/19/2023  

Recording notes for the day. Most of the time was spent working on the notes from a breakfast meeting with Sharik Peck and his wife Cheryl Peck. See element of time # 10252 for more details.

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Shop 10241 Recording Notes 6/20/2023  

Recording notes from 6/19/23.

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Shop 10262 Working on new customer settings 6/20/2023  

New customer settings to control the additional vehicle assignments per customer. Working on the new settings. Thinking about going to the db field settings vs the JSON options that we normally use. See attached for a small screenshot of the planning.

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Shop 10263 Signing up for some training 6/20/2023  

Signed up for a couple of different training events and conferences. Got to keep getting educated and try to keep up to date with things. Signed up for two Adobe ColdFusion training events and a conference.

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Shop 10264 Helping Shari O. 6/20/2023  

Helping Shari O. with some email stuff. We briefly talked about the new Google Workspace stuff. I got here a small list of custom email addresses (out of a custom code page). Tried to run some other queries and was getting denied. Light investigation to look-up some database changes.

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Shop 10168 Working on the plan 6/20/2023  

Emails and checking some online payments that were made from adilas clients to us. There were some questions. After that, I met with John to work more on the SWOT analysis. Great session. We finished up on some of the strengths and rolled over and started working on the weaknesses. We had some good conversations, even about some sensitive and difficult topics.

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Shop 10180 Planning with Aspen 6/20/2023  

Work and planning session with Alan, Bryan and I. We were talking about ways of breaking things down into smaller pieces. We ended up doing some small user stories and lots of brainstorming on the adilas cafe. We also did some talking about a new pricing matrix and other brainstorming ideas. See attached for some of my notes.

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Shop 10265 Tech support 6/21/2023  

Emails and research on media/content and naming conventions. Kelly had a client that got transferred from data 33 to data 39 and we had to look into the media/content (uploaded files). Light research and tech support.

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Shop 10266 Editing a document on adilas core concepts 6/21/2023  

Digital storytelling - using data and drill-downs - to tell the story. See attached for a multi page document that Shannon and I were working on (a couple of years ago). I was proofreading and doing some editing on it. Not sure why, but I was thinking about this older document and decided to reread and revamp it a bit. See attached for where I'm working at - still under construction.

Communicating with Hamid about meeting next week for lunch.

The document has an analogy of how people use a video recorder to record and duplicate scenarios and actions. As part of the analogy, it relates what adilas does in the digital storytelling to help with full world building. I thought that it was kinda fun. The document goes pretty deep. Spent lots of time rereading, adding and taking away little bits, and doing some proof reading. Only got about half way through it.

As a fun side note, I sent it to a contact, even though it wasn't fully finished. Trying to get the word out.

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Shop 10267 Meeting with Alan 6/21/2023  

Awesome session with Alan and I working on the plan for fracture and adilas light. We started out and I was showing Alan some of the R&D for the adilas cafe that Jonathan Wells did a few years back. I sent Alan some links to pull down the Adobe XD mock-up files. After that, we spent the rest of the session working on levels, tiers, user stories, and feature lists for adilas lite. See attached for our notes.

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Shop 10268 Recording Notes 6/21/2023  

"Take a shot on goal" - this is a soccer reference but applies to life. You've got to take a shot in order to score. Keep shooting on goal. The more times the better! Take a shot on goal!

Note for me - The presentation gallery isn't deep enough yet. I'd like to add more content and show them, don't just tell them. Show some samples, small videos, and/or screenshots. Make the whole thing fed off of the database vs hardcoded per page. Along those same lines, make all of the new grids, layouts, and matrix stuff data fed and data driven. I'm talking about pricing tiers, feature lists, levels, training, demos and presentations, etc. All data driven with nice groupings and data drill-downs. That would be awesome!

Recording notes from yesterday (6/20/23) and today (6/21/23).

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Shop 10269 Submitting info to be a speaker at a conference 6/21/2023  

Sent an email (filled out a form) to be a possible speaker at an Adobe ColdFusion conference event. See attached for what I sent them.

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Shop 10271 Working on projects 6/22/2023  

Getting back into the additional customer vehicle assignment project. Decided to use the JSON settings instead of the db field settings database table. Did some planning and building. Mostly working on the settings page.

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Shop 10161 Steve, Cory, Brandon-Catch up on projects and updates 6/22/2023  

Meeting with Cory and going over projects. I showed her my progress on the additional vehicle assignments for customers. We went over flow, settings, databases, and direction. She wanted me to push up the daily/weekly sales report code that I worked on last week. She was out of town and wanted to be back before we pushed it up. Ended up merging that into master and pushing it up to a few servers for testing.

She had a few other projects that she wanted to get going as well. She gave me a small list including reaching out to a client on a web inventory question, meeting with Bryan to sign-off on some code, and looking over some code changes that John was making on the 3rd party solutions page.

As a side note, sometimes it gets really tricky the more parties you get involved. We have to worry about ourselves (adilas or the software side of things), a possible 3rd party or outside institution, and the users and how they are working and interacting with the different parties. That can get really tricky and sometimes it is hard to know where the fault and/or breakdown is happening.

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Shop 10272 Meeting with Bryan 6/22/2023  

Meeting with Bryan to look at the code for his PO advanced line item search. We made a few tweaks, fixed a merge conflict, pushed up some files for some live testing. We then switched to the subs of time and the horizontal time view for subs. I helped Bryan pass some form control values as hidden form fields. We fixed some merge conflicts and pushed up his code. Light testing.

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Shop 10187 Planning with Aspen 6/22/2023  

Before my meeting with Aspen, I was still on the meeting with Byan. We took the last 15 minutes and talked about possible ways of modifying ship A into what we want for ship B. Bryan may explore that a little bit to see what that might take. I authorized him to spend 10 or so hours checking things out. He may also look into using a mix of React and ColdFusion. More R&D stuff.

Meeting with Aspen and going over notes from Alan and I's meeting from yesterday - see element of time #10267. Defining and explaining some the notes and ideas. I was doing some drawings, using my hands to explain things, and took a few more general notes. These are things dealing with fracture or adilas lite - where we are headed.

- On the size and pricing matrix, we need to include file storage (photos, scans, images, media/content, and general files). We also need to include database size (how much we are storing).

- On the choose corp page, be able to set the default corporation right from there.

- Look into modern payment solutions such as Google pay, PayPal, Venmo, apple pay, etc. We already do some of that, just make it even smoother.

- Aspen was pitching the adilas portal vs the adilas cafe - naming convention. She liked the word or phrase portal better.

- Education will be a huge part of the marketing and sales. We need to include it from the get go. This may be a person who has to be hired just to do that role. Some of our developers may not fit that mode correctly.

- Aspen's comments on education - We need to pitch education as optimizing the system to be more accessible.

- There is a need for market research and test runs.

- As we were reviewing the document and notes from yesterday, we came across one that talked about simple tax info for small users. That would be really cool if we could help people out and put all of the simple tax info in one place for them. Make it super easy and convenient.

- Along with the taxes stuff, we may want to add more tax and payroll forms to the current system. Make paperwork as easy as possible.

- AI (artificial intelligence) - What do you want to do? What do you want to see? What do you want to track? There are tons of other things that we could let people ask or do. Help them out and even tie in some of this the industry specific skins. Aspen and I were talking about AI a little bit.

- Aggregates and sums, counts, averages, totals, mins, and maxes - Almost a reverse or reversing the direction of the reports and gathering the information. Now that we know where and what we want, let's build that in from the get go. Also, this is for me... If there is a discrepancy, I really want a tool that will help rebuild those aggregated reports and aggregate values. I'd like to automate as much as we can, but if needed, we will have and/or provide manual recalc tools. That's important to me.

- A.D.I.L.A.S. - All data is live and searchable - What does that really mean? "All data", that means that we catch and store it all (the whole system and all of the parts and pieces). That's a pretty bold statement. We love it! "Is live", that means that we allow you to look, retrieve, view, and interact with your data based on permissions and settings. It is a living application, not just a digital archive tool. It's alive. The more you give it (virtually feeding it) the more you will get back (business intelligence and decision helping information). "And searchable", full visibility and full searchability. Every history, every detail, every record, every supporting piece or pieces. Filters, sorts, exports, save as options, you name it. It's your data, we just help you organize it, store it, retrieve it, and secure it.

- Above, is a light overview of what the name adilas can and does mean to us and to our clients. As a fun side note, the actual name "adilas" was proposed by Steve Berkenkotter, at a lunch meeting in the small mountain town of Salida, Colorado. If you look at adilas, it is Salida spelled backwards. The first nine years of the adilas business existence, the primary co-founders and partners lived in Salida, Colorado. Sort of a fun little fact.

- Aspen and I were talking... Are we too detailed (meaning our planning). Do we need to zoom out? That is a great question. It is very easy to get pulled in to the nitty-gritty details and happenings.

- Dealing with zooming out - Aspen asked me what my top few priorities would be right now - without any planning - This is a small list that we came up with. See element of time # 10270 for a small list of current priorities. After we made the list, we then talked about how each one related to the others on the list. That was a fun exercise.

- The first goal, we need to centralize the data. Make sure and catch all of the pieces. Once we have that, we can then worry about how it looks and how to get the data out or back out of the system.

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Shop 10270 Top 11 Priorities Adilas Lite 6/22/2023  

Went over big picture goals of Adilas Lite (fracture):

  • Hide as much as possible
  • Aggregated BI (business intelligence) level from the get-go
  • Restructure queries and reports to use aggregates
  • Charge based on usage
  • Coding is simplified and efficient
  • Usage is simplified and education methods are clear
  • Look and feel is improved
  • Custom label
  • Make POS/cart/merchant processing less clunky
  • Calendaring and scheduling
  • Server stability and speed
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Shop 10273 Recording Notes 6/22/2023  

Recording notes from the day (6/22/23). Bounced around a bit today.

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Shop 10274 Recording Notes 6/23/2023  

Emails and recording notes. Finished up some notes from yesterday (6/22/23). Also went back and recorded a bunch of notes from 5/31/23. This was a huge and pivotal day for me. I've still got a bunch of post-it notes from 6/1 to 6/3 that I haven't recorded yet. I've been too busy. I'll try to get to them here in the next few days. Busy times, for sure.

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Shop 10275 Recording Notes 6/24/2023  

Recording notes form the first part of June. Busy times. Thank goodness for post-it notes and little handwritten notes and scratched messages. Working on the notes for 6/1/23. Fun going back and rehashing some of those memories.

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Shop 10282 Recording Notes 6/24/2023  

Recording notes from back on 6/2/23 and 6/3/23. Almost caught up with older entries that still need to be recorded. That's a good feeling.

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Shop 10285 Emails 6/26/2023  

Emails, light research on HTML formatting of dynamic data and sanitizing the output. Prep for a meeting with Cory and a client.

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Shop 10156 Steve, Cory, Brandon-Catch up on projects and updates 6/26/2023  

Zoom meeting with Cory and Steve Palmer from FlyHi and Euflora. We were talking about the FlyHi integration. They are finding that delivery is not as cool as they thought it would be. Super tight margins. It works better where there are fewer places to buy your products. Steve was talking about issues with their new software that the company is making them use. They don't have enough API socket endpoints. That was interesting.

After Steve Palmer left, just Cory and I stayed on for a few minutes going over projects. Quick phone call with John. I then started trying some stuff with the HTML sanitizing and HTML formatting of the stored database records (for a product export).

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Shop 10283 Project-2060-Review and merge code 6/26/2023  

Code review with John on the 3rd party solutions page. The visual looked great. We ended up comparing old and new code side by side. I was reading things from one screen and John was checking it on the other screen. That 3rd party solutions page is close to 10,000 lines long. It looks great and much better flow than before. Good session.

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Shop 10286 Pushing up code 6/26/2023  

Finishing up and pushing up some code for the Euflora guys to check out. Send them a small email with instructions.

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Shop 10170 Working on the plan 6/26/2023  

Great session with John to go over the SWOT analysis. We finished up the weaknesses section and had some great conversations. We recorded a number of things that we can work on. Nothing is so broken that we can't fix it, and we acknowledged that we still have some work to do. Good stuff.

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Shop 10182 Planning with Aspen 6/26/2023  

Online meeting with Alan over a GoToMeeting session. We went over the notes that Aspen and I made from our last meeting on 6/22/23 (element of time 10187). As we were talking and discussing things, we came up with some new ideas and notes. See attached for our new notes. The notes have two sections, some from 6/21/23 and some from 6/26/23 (today).

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Shop 10289 Emails and Recording Notes 6/27/2023  

Emails, prep work for a training course tomorrow.  Had to install some files and light debugging to get them working. Recording notes from yesterday (6/26/23).

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Shop 10284 Meet with Bryan to push updates to invoice and PO reports 6/27/2023  

Meeting with Bryan on his super sub invoice line reports and exports. We also did some PO search stuff. He had a couple of branches that we did some code review, fixed some merge conflicts, merged, and pushed up to servers for testing. Along the way we made a few changes and tightened up some of the code.

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Shop 10173 Working on the plan 6/27/2023  

Meeting with John and doing some brainstorming on the opportunities on the SWOT analysis. Lots of small side conversations. See attached for the new notes. They are towards the bottom of the page.

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Shop 10192 Planning with Aspen 6/27/2023  

Meeting over the GoToMeeting session. We had Alan, Bryan, Aspen, and myself on the meeting. We started out talking about some ways of generating outside funding and potential financial products that we could offer. See elements of time # 10235 for more details.

We then shifted gears and Alan ran most of the rest of the meeting. He was giving us a demo of a React JS framework and light frontend stuff. I took a ton of notes and so did Aspen. It sounds like it has a lot of potential. There is a steep learning curve, but it has some good benefits as well. See attached for my notes. The new notes are at the end and towards the bottom.

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Shop 10290 Recording Notes 6/27/2023  

Recording notes from the day - 6/27/23.

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Shop 10256 Full day ColdFusion Workshop 6/28/2023  

Participant in a full day Adobe ColdFusion training course (7am to 2pm). The class was fully online and lead by Brian Sappey. I really enjoyed the class and some of the information stuck better this time. I've heard and used a bunch of those things before, it just makes more sense now. There were over 60+ participants on the training event.

Part way through, there was some screensharing technical difficulties. I felt bad for the presenter. It came back online (after a fair bit) but I'm glad that I stayed on, even though it was just audio for a bit. One small takeaway was you really need a second person who is watching the chat messages. The participants were trying to contact the presenter but he was busy presenting. He didn't know that the screen had frozen up.

Good meeting! See attached for some of my notes.

As a fun side note, I shared a couple of older graphics with the class as we were talking about certain features. The graphics can be found here in my training gallery. I shared one dealing with inputs, outputs, tools, and goals (how we mix and bled things to get good outcomes) and I also shared one that showed the different scopes and structures for Adobe ColdFusion (a dresser full of drawers that hold specific data or a scope). Both of those graphics were under the developer photo gallery section. Anyways, that was kinda fun.

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Shop 10292 Reaching out to a 3rd party for a client 6/28/2023  

Called and left a message with a 3rd party website builder that is working with one of our clients to get up to date inventory. I got a call back we are going to try to set something up for tomorrow.

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Shop 10294 Virtual obstacle course 6/28/2023  

Woke up this morning with thoughts of a virtual obstacle course going through my mind. I remember seeing a movie and the extras after the movie talked about how they put the digital characters through an obstacle course to test to see how well their modeling and simulations were doing (Pixar - Monsters Inc.). Once they could virtually run the whole obstacle course, without problem, they were able to go to the next step.

If we are building out the next level of adilas, code name fracture or adilas lite, I was thinking that we could come up with a good virtual obstacle course of sorts. I was thinking, simple database stuff, one-to-many relationships, users, permissions, roles, settings, validation (server-side and client side), add/edit options, getters, setters, reports, pagination, API sockets, coded using frameworks, etc. I know that sounds like a lot, but a mini version of the things that we do all the time.

This could include, form fields, toggle on/off switches, checkboxes, radio buttons, drop-downs, selectors or choosers, date picker, time fields, text fields, numeric fields, buttons, navigation, dynamic CSS (look and feel), mobile ready or mobile responsive designs, etc. Modals, dynamic help files, aliases, show/hide features, and the list keeps going.

This is just for fun but what about using customers and customer logs (simple CRM stuff - customer relationship management) for one of our virtual obstacle courses? Once again, just an idea. The features listed below are in no specific order. This is both funny and not so funny... We can already do all of this right now (using the current adilas ship A application). We want to rebuild this using our new ship B - fracture or adilas lite code and frameworks.

- Settings, navigation options, turn things on/off - do I want to use certain features or options
- Settings, what to call things (naming convention) - corp-wide settings or high level group settings
- Show/hide field level settings (toggle on/off, show/hide, aliases, rules, defaults, sort order, etc.) - data level settings
- Add/edit customer types - way of organizing and grouping customers
- Add/edit main customer functions and pages
- View single customer page (similar to the customer log page)
- Simple search, display, and drill-down into individual customer records
- Advanced search, pick and choose fields, filter, sort, export, and save reports
- Add/edit customer logs (notes and follow-ups per customer) - allow HTML - be able to sanitize as needed for display (say you had some bad or mal formatted HTML - still make it look good)
- Add/edit additional contacts
- Add/edit additional vehicle to customer assignments (currently being worked on for ship A)
- Aggregated data - log counts, contact counts, vehicle counts, total customer counts by type, individual customer info such as total invoices, quotes, elements of time, payments made, purchase history, items bought, etc.
- Full history of all actions - add, edit, modify, etc.
- Dynamic help files
- API sockets to do all of the functions listed above. Things like add/edit main, add/edit logs, add/edit additional contacts, add/edit additional vehicle assignments, view or get back data on all pieces (together and individually), search, show reports, even alter settings. The current API has a visual show and tell page, the real socket (live interface), and printable/searchable documentation.
- Rudimentary training per section - pages, sections, functionality
- Integrated unit testing
- Photo management
- Upload media/content (files)
- Gallery page - (images, scans, photos - up to 100 per customer with captions and show/hide settings)
- Remote login (ecommerce level) to allow a customer to login and update info, see histories invoice and quotes, be able to upload images from ecommerce, build your own statements, and view log notes out in ecommerce
- Quick search options
- Show log notes and follow-ups on a calendar type interface or view
- Search log notes
- Search additional contacts
- Flex grid tie-ins and limited flex grid tie-ins
- Customer flex attributes
- Doesn't have to be right now, but customer tie to invoices, quotes, and time (naturally).
- Barcode label options for simple customer information and customer id numbers
- Validation - server-side and client-side on all forms (add/edit forms and report filters). Base this off of a data dictionary type interface.
- Mobile ready and responsive web format and styling
- Customers can be tied to loyalty points, discounts, and gift cards
- Customer queues
- Email reports and special email options (custom email settings using corp email settings)
- More options on the customer homepage - tons of links and nav to other sections. Reports, management options, and core update and bulk tools.
- More options on the customer log page - including options for custom paperwork and numerous drill-downs to customer-specific searches and filtered reports.

Just being silly, but I'd like to record all of these pieces, in the old way and then compare them to what and how the new way works. Kinda a side by side view. Depending, it may end up being an old way, a semi-new way, and the actual new way. I'm not sure how fast we can jump from old to new. We may need an intermediate or middle ground step.

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Shop 10293 Recording Notes 6/28/2023  

Scanning notes from a ColdFusion training event. Recording notes from today. Phone call with Steve. Talking about options and ideas. Trying to trim things down, keep moving forward, selling more possible services (helping to support our existing clients), and even looking for and trying to talk to angle investors (possible route).

I spent the last part of the day brainstorming on a virtual obstacle course for the new ship B stuff. See elements of time # 10294 for some ideas on the obstacle course idea.

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Shop 10291 Merge and deploy updates for SpringBig time zone issue 6/29/2023  

Merging and pushing up code with Eric. After the initial work, we spent some time talking about data modeling. Here are some of my notes.

- Eric would love to do some more data modeling and taking things into consideration and making a plan. He used to do this for other companies that he has worked with and for. Great resource. We could really use his help with adilas lite or fracture. This was like a mini database and data modeling lesson of sorts. I was loving it and scribbling down notes as quickly as I could. Fun stuff.

- We talked about flex grid tie-ins, flex attributes, and parent attributes. Basically, things that he sees that we do that might be built out into more efficient tools and features. Maybe rework some of this and/or combine some of the features.

- What really connects to other things (natural relationships) or what things are forced together (forced or special relationships)? We may want to look at use cases and try to pull out the natural relationships. Then build your application according to those natural relationships. You may still need to allow the forced or special relationships, but those become the edge cases vs the norm.

- If something happens over and over again, this should be part of the core system. Currently, we do use a lot of flex grid tie-ins to help with some of these special cases. As a side note, some of these one-off features are becoming more normal and should have their own logic and tables vs putting everything into the flex grid tie-ins. Great tool for getting things started but eventually, you may need to build out specific tables, logic, and pages. Make it more normalized and more efficient.

- As a note, what does the flex grid do? It allows for one-to-one connections, one-to-many connections, add log notes to anything, tying things together (main id's to sub id's or main id's to other main id's), and it also allows for up to 30 custom fields. Once again, it can be on a one-to-one basis or used and setup as a one-to-many relationship. Here is a help file that has more info on the flex grid tie-ins.

- As a note, the flex grid tie-ins have been the big brother to the things we are trying to build called flex attributes or real in-line database extensions or real in-line extensions for short. Here is a small, older graphic link, of what we are trying to do.

- We talked about the bus to motorcycle project (datasource project or world building project). We are headed to a new model where the corportion id numbers (corp_id) will be left out per database. Each company will have its own database and thus may not need the corp id number. This deals with table names, joins, and data that gets stored in the database.

- Back to the flex attributes and a possible option to build them right into the main entities or high level tables (for the 12 main players or wherever we see fit to put them). This option has some pros and cons. We'll have to work this out. Currently, I'm really leaning towards something similar to what we did for the current flex attributes or parent attributes. Let them build and setup any custom fields that they need. Dynamic relational model. Just for fun, here is the progression - flex grid tie-ins (2009), sub inventory attributes (2015), parent attributes (2016/2017), flex attributes (2020).

- Lots of talk about data modeling and being able to take off the corp_id. Including on the end of corp-specific tables - for example: invoices_53, invoice_payments_53, time_sub_inventory_53, and a slew of others.

- Maybe break the pili or po invoice line items into two different pieces. It was joined together to help with inventory counts over time and across multiple locations. Anyways, we may look at separating those tables into multiple pieces. Super important, make sure to remember and include locations. If just a single location, we could do the architecture differently. However, with multiple locations, it gets a little bit more complicated or tricky. There are tons of other possible options.

- The payee table should be broken up as well. Currently, if a person or entitiy is tied to an expense/receipt, a PO, an inventory item, it lives in the payee table. Payees consist of users, employees, vendors, and special customers that had to get paid out of the system (a copy and convert process). Anyways, we may want to break that table up into users, vendors, and special customers (something like that).

- We talked about a concept called "attribution" and data normalization levels. There are two main types of data models. You have the logical data model and the physical data model. Entities and entities have attributes. Eventually, those entities and attributes get translated into tables, columns, and fields in a database. Often, most attributes become their own database column or field.

- Attributes are different than types.

- We talked about fields like "flag_for_1099", "password", etc. Those are attributes for certain entities. However, does a vendor need a password field, most likely not. Each field or attribute needs to go with the entity that it belongs with. We, at adilas, tend to mix and blend some of the attributes between different entities. In some ways that is fine, but it requires explanations, instructions, and training. It's not as easy to follow without someone to guide you along. Anyways, some good conversations about data normalization stuff. What goes with what and why does it fit like that?

- Make the names readable and logical where possible. We do a pretty good job on that, but there is some randomness in there as well. Along with that, we jumped into talking about a section called special accounts. We are planning on using that for gift cards, loyalty points, in-store credit, vendor credits, punch cards, and other special account transactions where we almost need a bank account style with a rolling number and being able to add/subtract using individual transactions or actions. Anyways, we have a few fields in there called dev_flag_1, dev_flag_2, and dev_flag_3. We use those flexible fields to help with certain parts of the process. In a way, we didn't know what we were going to need, so we added in some flex fields. Well, now, those flex fields have rules and hold certain data that could be its own column or field. However, because we didn't know what would be needed, the fields are somewhat mixed, depending on what is stored there and what kind or type of transaction record is being stored (loyalty points vs gift cards or whatever).

- The conversion trickled over into human reference fields vs computer identifiers, ids, or computer reference fields. They are different and play different roles.

- As you think things out, eventually you have to transform or go through a transformation from logical models to physical models. Eric kept saying that we should be shooting for the third normal form (data modeling and database modeling). Figure out the whole business world (plan it out as best you can) and then build out what you need, based on what you see and/or know.

- We talked about aggregates and data warehousing. I mentioned that I would like to build out tables for yearly per location, quarterly per location, monthly per location, weekly per location, and daily per location. We would also have the underlying transactions or transactional database tables (raw data that holds all of the data). The other tables would be what we transform the transactions into (a form of aggregates or business intelligence).

- Along with aggregates, Eric was saying that sometimes you can watch the database and see what tables, queries, and reports cost the most (data, traffic, or processing time/energy/frequency). You then build out aggregates based on those findings and/or known needs. For us, we've been doing this for long enough, we know a few places that could really help with speed, server load, and provide great BI or business intelligence levels.

- Our system has to go clear out to the full accounting level. That changes how we do certain things. That is awesome! Our sort of end goal is perfect accounting, aggregates, per day, per location, and per category. Some of those (category levels) vary but they have mostly been defined in the current system. That is huge. We have a plan, we have a path. We just want to refine it. Eventually year over year reporting, monthly by month comparisons, real-time data - all data is live and searchable (adilas).

- Snapshots, aggregates, different preset and controlled data levels. We may need current data (tables without any dates - assumption of current counts, values, sums, totals, averages, maxes, mins, etc.) as well as dated or historical data (tables with dates to allow previous or prior lookups and date driven lookbacks).

- What about enterprise mappings and cross-corp stuff? We need to plan that out as well.

- We also need to consider servers, speed, reliability, backups, redundancies, and how deep we going?

- Lastly, Eric could help with a ground up data model. We could pick a topic, break it down, and do a number of smaller sessions vs a big push. That would be too much. Anyways, great meeting and Eric could be a great resource for planning, checking out our decisions, and planning out the best course of action. Good stuff!

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Shop 10295 Code review 6/29/2023  

Code review on some of Bryan's files. Merged and pushed up files. Got an email from Cory, there was a small error. Light debugging and repushed up the code.

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Shop 10296 General 6/29/2023  

Various different activities. Opened up the additional vehicle assignments per customer project. Started back on that project. Got an email from a 3rd party that needed help with some API socket endpoints. Switched gears to help them out. Spent about 45 minutes prepping things. Sent them a bunch of information, did some live testing of the API endpoints, and reached out to the contact with links, info, samples, and screenshots. Transitions between projects.

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Shop 10181 Planning with Alan 6/29/2023  

Before Alan jumped on, I was working with my sister on some ideas for a simple store front or consignment type ecommerce site. She has a bunch of products (hand built crafts and stuff) that I would like to help her sell using the adilas marketplace (future project or future business idea - planning for fracture and adilas lite).

Meeting with Alan over the GoToMeeting session. We started out and I was reporting on a few entries from yesterday. We reviewed what I learned in the Adobe ColdFusion Training Event (# 10256). Went over the scanned notes that I took. We also talked about the virtual obstacle course that we would like to build to test some of our ideas and prototypes (# 10294). Fun little review.

Next, we switched over to what Alan has been working on and playing with. Lots of fun learning and prototyping. Alan spent some time playing with REST API's and GraphQL options. He was really excited about certain parts of the GraphQL stuff that he was learning. Limiting data that is sent back to the users and making things easier on the servers.

Here are a few of my notes from our meeting:

- Alan was playing with GraphQL, Node JS server, Apollo, Prima, and other tools and features.

- Lots of queries, mutations (things or code that alters the raw queries), resolvers, and subscriptions (observer/subscriber type models).

- Small demo on what Alan learned from playing with GraphQL. This included unique ids, JSON web tokens, tons of files and folders (dummy setup files to put the pieces in place and then you go in and build them out - sort of a prebuilt file/folder structure for your app).

- Looking into web sockets and options to push/pull data - going through those web socket options.

- More talk about API endpoints, automation of the documentation, layers, transactions, locks based on transactions (with full rollback if needed), and throttling API endpoints.

- Tons of other topics such as: NoSQL databases, document stores, relational databases, query caching, ORM models (either object-relational mapping or object-role model), properties, tables, access layers, database updates, etc.

- We talked about using REST API's and having our bigger pieces maybe even broken down into smaller pieces. For example, instead of just having a folder for invoices. We may want something like: invoices/single, invoices/multi, invoices/search, invoices/export, etc. Basically, sub sections within the main invoice player group. We have 12 main application player groups. Each one does stull individually, as a group or a whole, and other sub functions. Maybe think along those lines.

- Spent some time going over security options, JSON web tokens, allowing servers to change the data but the browsers can't change the data. Frontend security, backend security, Node JS, Adobe ColdFusion, and options for both sides of the fence.

- Good meeting with some good research and R&D stuff. Good job Alan!

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Shop 10297 Meeting with Bryan 6/29/2023  

A couple different meetings with Bryan. We met and did a quick push, going over some bit bucket stuff, and looking at commits. Phone call and then back on the GoToMeeting. Doing some debugging. Commented out some code, did some testing, and re-pushed the code. Recording notes on work done today on ship A.

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Shop 10298 Recording Notes 6/29/2023  

Recording notes from the day (6/29/23). Busy day, bouncing all over the place. Fun but long.

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Shop 10303 Pushing up code 6/30/2023  

Pushed up some files for the business zipper website. They still need a little bit of work, but I wanted to push them up. Meeting with Hamid (developer who did the site) later today.

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Shop 10304 Lunch meeting with a friend 6/30/2023  

Trip to Logan to meet with Hamid. We met for lunch and talked about fracture and adilas lite. Fun meeting. Here are some of my notes, from the meeting and just driving around.

- Model out each section, similar to the virtual obstacle course we are playing with (see # 10294). It may also be fun to model it out via the plates and cups model (small way of teaching one-to-many relationships for objects).

- Focus on one part or piece at a time. If you don't focus in, it, the whole fracture project, seems way too big and massive.

- If we get lost, we could always focus on mapping out the existing core. That is a "known" and needs to be done.

- We still want to do the rest of the billboard sites (other or outside sites that lead people to the main platform).

- We could offer preset packages for adilas lite. We could also offer an a la carte type option, where they can mix, blend, and pick and choose what they want or don't want.

- Hamid would like to play along with us on building out the dream. He has a number of ideas that he could throw into the mix. Eventually, he would like to transition over to more technical job. Future plans. Once again, great lunch meeting.