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Time Id Color Title/Caption Start Date   Notes
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Shop 5000 Launching the special account project 10/1/2019  

Got up early and merged in some code from Eric and I's project on the sub special accounts. This is for things like rewards, customer loyalty points, gift cards, in-store credit, etc. Anyways, we had about 50 files to merge in and test. Worked on some new help files for the new pages and sections. I got all of that done and launched code to the data 0 for testing. Everything went well, so I pushed up code to all servers. Immediately, we got some calls and texts and people were getting an error. We jumped on it and had it resolved pretty quick but still had some complaints. We try, I literally tested on both local and live before pushing to all servers. Certain people have different settings and sometimes that affects things. We got it done and then I went to the Adobe ColdFusion conference. Busy start to the morning. 

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Shop 4678 Adobe ColdFusion Summit 2019 10/1/2019  

A couple of us will be out of town for an Adobe ColdFusion conference in Las Vegas. Two day event with multiple classes each day. I've got pages of notes. I may enter some if I get some time.

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Shop 5519 Virtual Post-It Note 10/1/2019  

Las Vegas - Adobe cold Fusion Conference - session 1

-Maybe a hybrid sprint on certain projects . . . do a 2-3 hour blast every day. Have a mini stand-up meeting and all hands on deck for that small time period.

-With the above idea . . . that could create an employer/employee relationship for the art of the day and release it.

-Study nature and copy it

-Learn how to adapt

-Keep heading toward world-building


(Key Note) -Tesi square - fun presentation behind the first keynote speaker - easy simple and key matrix - not to much fluff. (

-Turnkey project, service, provider, business modeling, innovation

-"Build your collaborative ecosystem" integrated platform - world building

-Evolution path of systems and platforms


-New presentation - Transcend

-Online employee interactions

-Communication, recognition, development, performance

-Employee timeline

-Lots of cards and drag and drop widgets on their dashboard

-HR stuff and trying to keep up employee morale

-They use Hostek for hosting


-Source A-Max

-A France company that uses ColdFusion 

Trying into the Java back end


-Where is the world headed?

-A road toward simplicity

-Physical machines, virtual machines, cloud services, containers microservices, serverless

-disruptive developments

-Expensive                                 Cost-Effective

-complicated                             -simplified

from physical machines to cloud services

-If you don't make it . . . we don't make it

-Lamda functions on AWS 

-Flexibility . . . think of joints in your body . . . joints in the right spot help you to be more flexible 

-ER script 2.0

-Scriptable configuration for servers

-Mirco services

-Multi-cloud - how many different cloud services are you using and developing on - AWS, MS Azure, Google, others

-Common API interfaces - Adobe may build a common API interface to share data between multi-cloud servers

-CF is working on; their vision and focus areas, installation, develops, containers, services, security, monitoring, configuration, and going serverless


Practical Function Programming in CFML by Abram Adams

-FP functional programming

-CFML is a multi-paradigm language

-Side effects - when a procedure changes a variable from outside its scope

-Passing by reference vs. duplication of data

-Immutable - unchanging over time or unable to be changed

-Immutable practices

-Mutating values and variables v.s. keeping things clean

-Map, reduce, filter - array commands

-The pure function always returns a known value and don't have external dependencies

-Referential transparency

-Always return a value from a function don't output data in your functions

-Higher-order functions - functions that return a function or call other functions

-Nested call back - multi-functions and nested functions

-Lamda functions, not the same as AWS, but same name

-Reduce and reducer functions

-Chaining higher-order functions

-Functional programming tends to be somewhat lazy . . . hold the value of an expression until needed

-Memoization = "memo" - pre-computed results (local cache)

-Hops - external jumps to web services, API calls, and even database calls


-Specialized or Composed



Customer Spotlight for Central San by Carl Von Stetten

-Managing infrastructure of assets

-What do I want? Planning

-What is the cost and where will I get it? (Acquisitions)

-What about operations and maintenance?

-Monitoring of other data


-Disposal - sell, trade, gift, ect.

-The life cycle of ownership of assets

-Assets have value . . . we want to track that . . . the whole cycle

-They interact with two different databases

-Document management

-Visual nav to a specific job and/or asset, then drill-down to documents attached and assigned

-Assets have jobs linked in and documents assigned to those jobs

-They have drawings, permits, environmental compliance

-Maintenance history

-Scheduling and logistics

-Repeating work orders and cascading your own schedules

-Tracking changes in locations over time

-Changing the view mode . . . filter by id, filter by location, filter by other criteria

-Targetted searching by process - overview matrix of stats

-Preventative maintenance and predictive maintenance

-They also want to see what assets are connected to other assets and/or substructures

-They were tracking spare parts . . . basically a recipe of what is needed - internal builds

-Even using inventory mapping to help show items that don't get much usage or activity

-VSCode editor

-get CFML extension by Kanasamak


-Data fusion



Web Sockets by Giancarlo Gomez

-Channels, authication, subscribe, subchannels

-Sending messages and creating data channels and web sockets

-Persistant Connections

-Being able to push and broadcast messages

-Chat demos and sending messages back and forth

-The use of Application, cfc is getting bigger and more important

-Threads and callbacks

-Push technology and dashoards and alerts

-Allowing users to subscribe to multiple channells 

-Keep your channells samll and concise

-Sockets can help with real-time data pushes



Spreadsheet Magic with Cold Fusion

Kevin D. Wright

-Basic read/write, formatting, formulas/calculations, advanced techniques

-POI - a java engine and java library

-cf spreadsheet is pretty cool

-Mixing tools to harness both CF and MS Excel

-Instead of building a whole new app, maybe look at using a spreadsheet with some cool dynamics. Does it get the job done

-You can create it from scratch and/or use an existing template and then tweak that



Forms and PDF's by Mike Collins

-XML and JavaScript

-AEM Forms Designer - LiveCycle. ----- allowa for XML data - more dynamics

-cfdocument, cfdocumentitem

-Links to an image need to use File://

-flatten="yes"        write

-standard="3b"     archive




-3b - soon will be 4b standard


-Not everything needs to be printed

-Adobe Sign


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Shop 5982 Virtual Post-It Note 10/2/2019  


Andrew Tarvin -morning keynote

-Humor that works -The missing skill for success and happiness at work

-Teaching fellow workers about humor

-Other humans are a resource that we work with - that is awesome, yet tough sometimes

-Wouldn't it be funny if a human had error messages

-Keep learning

-It is hard to change what you do . . . It may how you do it

-Breaking down work

-We learn the skills to do the job but happiness at work isn't about doing what you love, it's about loving what you do

-You don't need permission to be happy

-Humor is a necessity

-Humor is different than comedy

-You don't have to create it, you could just share it




-What gets fun, gets done

-How can you make your work a little bit more fun?

-Building on what is already there

-How you see a problem determines how you solve that problem

-Come back into it with some humor

-Where there is laughter, there is listening

-Having friends in the workplace

-Build human connections

-When we laugh together, we stand together

-Virtually no limit to laughter - usually, physically, you can still laugh

-Rember, at the end of the day, we are all human

-Knock Knock leadership -add some humor

-To humor is to human

-Take action and start

-One smile per hour - that's a good pace (play off of 1mph)

-You are responsible for your own happiness

-Humor is a choice



Getting Started With CF's Docker Images

By Charlie Arehart

-Both CF and Lucee


-Command box

-PMT=perfomance monitoring toolset

-Docker-compose - put mote ingo to help with the installs

-CF instances

-Docker Toolbox, different tools for different OS, Docker, Docker Desktop

-Container for the image


-Docker as a service

-Exposing ports

-Running programs across different platforms

-Instead of installing . . . just pull/run

-Most Docker images use Linux in the background

-A common Linux kernel and then connecting to those images

-Redis storage vs normal CF session in memory variables

-CF Enterprise: can use with 8 Docker instances, per license

-Environment variables and setting things up

-Docker images are different than instances

-Use --help to get help

-Being able to both start and stop the containers

-Poke a hole and get at other files




Document Workflow and Management Made Easy With ColdFusion by Kailash Bihani

-cf document,  cf presentation, cf spreadsheet, cf pdf, cf image

-cf schedule

-cf document item, cf document section

-cf htmt to pdf, cf HTML to pdf item

-cf chart

-cf pdf form, cf pdf subform, cf pdf form Panam

-cf file

-You can read a pdf and see what the fields are called if needed sanitizing

-Sanitize documents - removes metadata, comments, stamps, attachments, ect.

-Merge and Merging of PDF's 

-Add attachments - no exe, vbs, or zip files to PDF files

-Add stamps - such as approved, denied, final, sold, draft, expired

-Redact/redacted - pull out certain parts of a PDF doc - almost a small snippet - or just cover-up certain pieces

-Document signing

-Archive the document - standards - set the standard to 1b, 2b, or 3b, coming soon is 4b

-cf spreadsheet - can read in and convert data to spreadsheet objects, CSV, HTML tables, and query data

-cf presentation, cf presentation slide, cf presenter

-You can also go from presentation to PDF

-html to PDF---Word to PDF----Query to Excel



Angular for ColdFusion by Josh Kutz-Flamenbaum

-Material, stack blitz, Angular University, NPM, typescript

-Sponsored by Google

-TypeScript 3


-Auto creating background files

-Service layers, view layers

-RxJS - Reactive Interactions with JavaScript

-Observables - save this a cache

-Operators - tons of them

-Marble diagrams

-Observable data cache with update trigger




-Is this too much for me or for my organization? (Question to ask yourself)



Integrating modern day JS frameworks with CF by Jday Ogra


-Why such frameworks 

1.SPA(Single Page Applications)

2.No Manual DOM Manipulations ------- data bindings

-Frontend, rest API, backend

-In Angular use double curly brackets ((some var))

-He was using the Chrome dubugging tools


-This uses a data struck and a methods struck

-REST - (Represental



Sealing Enterprise Applications with ColdFusion by Piyush Nayak

-Matching scaling, features, and usage on an adaptable level

-High Availability, performace, maintainability

-Use API, use app as a sercive, use resource pool, Async not sync, use caching

-Scaling--language--database--network--file system/storage

-Max request workers=server limit * threads per child

-Connection pool size

-Connection timeout

-Max threads

-Max connections

-Connectors and getting and setting the backend Apache Tomcat server

-Maximum number of cached templates

-ColdFusion enterprise Instance and Cluster Manager

-Sticky sessions and session duplication

-Scaling both vertical and horizonal

-Caching objects - cache put and cache get---cf cache

-Using     RAM://somefile.extension

-Async programing and chaining 

-cf log

-cf save content

-Tweaking the underlying Java ot JVM

-Application Performance

-Sroring caches as an external or distributed cache model

-External Cache Options--Redis--Mem cached--JCS--Apache

-Using Redis as an external session storage engine



-Get a list of the top 10 pages and then put a face lift or re-write on those pages - then recycle through the next 10 pages

-Steve . . . using CPA's white label and industry specific--they do the training and sales for their industry

-CPA's are getting more and more hungry--switch between book keeping vs. real accounting--using CPA's as a virtual oversight type program

-Airports - possible solution

-Keep building the business solution (backend and the software application)

-CPA - when they get involved . . . it adds more accountability

-Alan - have him do more pages like the new invoice homepage

-Add graphical homepages as a community funded project

-Connect, people and teams, and then have them report - maybe schedule Tuesdays and Thursdays for report days

-Hit the pause button and make sure we know what they are working on and when they want to report

-Using the buddy system

-Going faster better

-All of us together - collective

-Steve's vision is dealing with CPA's--they become part of the oversight

-CPA's almost go over owners - they look up to them and need them

-Our users are looking for more than a system - they want to help

-Tools and cause and effect

-CPA's - they need a capture of what really happened - then those pieces start falling into place

-Taking about server setup options--Newtek--AWS--Adobe CF Enterprise--Load balancers--Clusters and outside or external caching and session management

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Shop 4994 Out of the office - Traveling 10/3/2019  

Headed home from Las Vegas with Alan. We were at a ColdFusion conference.

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Shop 5003 Meeting with Jonathan 10/4/2019  

Steve and I met with Jonathan Wells to go over some progress. Below are some notes from our call.

- Creating user stories - basically scenarios and simulations - help to visually lead a user through the system and even know what is possible and how to do it.

- Question about obscure features vs basic or super needed functions and features - those extra or obscure tools and features create an expense (extra burden) to other customers (it makes it a little bit harder) - We need to narrow things down a bit.

- Settings - 4 main levels - world, group, page, user

- Templates per industry - basically, a way of controlling bulk settings per industry

- Cause and effect relationships - the deeper you go, the more you get into cause and effect relationships.

- Helping customers succeed - eventually you may need all of the different business tools and/or features and/or modules - there is nothing wrong with having the tools, you just may want to keep some of them in the shed until you need them. Only use or keep out what you will need.

- Each company may need to pick and choose what tools they want and how they want to play

- It also gets into size of the company. Even though they are the same type of company, the bigger they are, they need more tools and options. It gets deep fast.

- Features, advantages, benefits - great way to think about things and options.

- How do we get the word out and let out clients know about some of the new changes? Even then, do they read the news and updates?

- It comes back to the adilas café type model and having  a place to show your stuff, work, play, train, be part of the community, etc.

- Classic vs snow owl - what does that mean? It actually deals with a set of standard look and feel templates, headers, footers, and display options (visual themes).

- Map overview - Jonathan started showing us some of his new menu and nav systems - See the attached screen shots to get some ideas of where he is headed and some of the mapping concepts, mock-ups, layout options, and direction.

- Stacking the view and the nav - getting into graphical homepage and sub homepage and sub navigation. We didn't get super deep into this, but there is tons of potential there. Have a very easy to navigate frontend. As you get deeper, you still have a very friendly and visual navigation page at the sub homepage or graphical homepage level. Don't be confused by the word homepage. Each sub section inside system would need it's own sub or graphical homepage. For example: Say you have a main overview map or nav page. You would then also need a sub graphical overview page for say customer homepage, invoice homepage, time homepage, user homepage, PO homepage, deposits homepage, flex grid homepage, media/content homepage, etc. Hopefully that makes sense. See attached for some mock-up graphics and ideas including flat maps, icons, icon lists, mind maps, and related pieces. You could even virtually zoom in/out as needed to get more detailed views.

- What about a simple search (by typing) type interface? Be able to search for things like gift cards, payroll, inventory, discounts, etc. Once the search is completed, it shows options. This is kinda like a google type approach to the system. They, Google, tried to simplify the whole Internet. We could do something similar to that inside of adilas. Just another option.

- Google map view - zooming in and out - to expose different levels - mind maps (see attached for some concept art for mind maps)

- How visual education could really help them know what is involved and where things are going.

- Ranking pages and sections and what is the most important. That would really help to find the common threads.

Steve and Jonathan kept going with the meeting after I left. Steve told me later on, that he and Jonathan went for another hour (ish). They ended up on the reports homepage and Steve was going to have Jonathan give that page a small facelift. Good stuff.

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Shop 5004 Adilas Time 10/7/2019  

Steve, Alan, Eric, and I were on the morning meeting. Mostly touching base and getting things going. Lots of moving pieces.

Steve and I were talking about our own little white label options. The white label options exist and Steve and I are trying to help people catch the vision. In the mean time, we could virtually do this for any industry, build it out, and then let a small team go and do the sales, setup and marketing. Basically, we can catch a small piece of our own vision. We use the main adilas platform, and then let the system flip to that usage mode (whatever the white label is) and then the users just go from there. That would be awesome.

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Shop 5001 Meet with Steve & Cory on Community Project list 10/7/2019  

Going over projects - sort and assign. We had about 5-6 new projects and also touched base on some of the existing projects that are being worked on. Good little session. Cory is really doing some awesome work.

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Shop 5011 Working with Eric 10/7/2019  

Custom code merge of some new changes for Spring Big - customer 3rd party solution. Pushed up new code.

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Adi 1522 940 & 941 reports in adilas 10/7/2019  

Herbo potential client (Bob T) wanted the liability numbers to be added together in the report. He also wanted Herbo to create a 941 and 940 report.

Need a $2,000 contribution to start this project

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Adi 1523 DE 9 wage report for California 10/7/2019  

Herbo potential client is interested in this- Meredith asked what it would entail to get this. They would pass this expense on to client.
Quarterly Contribution Return & Report of Wages) - California DE 9 Form. ... Each quarter, California employers are required to complete a Quarterly Contribution Return and Report of Wages (DE 9). It is used to reconcile California payroll tax payments and the total subject wages reported for the quarter. This form is similar to 941 & 940, although it required by State of California.

shari answered....
I would say yes, this would more than likely be a "Custom Code" Report that could possibly be built - I would need to once again, reach out to the Developers for this as well.

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Adi 1524 Check out from within shopping cart 10/7/2019  

This involves ajax. Dustin or Alan or Spencer would do this.

From Drea re. Consultants in OK: They have a question about being able to custom code the cart to where the payment can be entered there, instead of the secondary page, to speed up transaction times.(OK is not a Metrc state as of right now, so transactional sales reporting is not required.) The email below has a few more details, but I was wondering if this is something that we could even do, and if so, which developer should I get in touch with?

From Consultants in OK: We were trying to stream line the invoice process. Like possibly adding an area that the amount given could be entered in on the main cart page allowing then to create the invoice as well as bring up the print option. Eliminating three steps for our clients would be hugely helpful as we have had a few people complain about that process.

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Shop 5020 General 10/7/2019  

Cleaning up my office and sorting through stacks of paper and older project documents. Filing and clean-up. Also burned some back-up copies of files to DVD as a back-up.

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Shop 5002 Herbo push code 10/7/2019  

Code review with Bryan. He is working on a project to add in last modified date/time flags to both parent and sub inventory. He is also creating a new method that outside parties may call through the adilas API sockets and get inventory changes based on the last modified date flag. This allows us to only pass data that has been changed to limit needs to sync up all records when only a few things are actually changing. Less of a load in the sync process.

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Shop 5021 General 10/7/2019  

More clean-up and going through pages of old project management files. When I was done, I had a huge pile on the floor of stuff from back in 2014, 2015, and 2016. General clean-up.

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Shop 5008 Adilas Time 10/8/2019  

My Internet wasn't working this morning. So Steve called me up and we chatted over the phone for the first half an hour. We are really trying to figure out to focus and keep chipping away at our huge project list and to do list. We talked quite a bit about project management and how to keep our guys and gals going on the different projects. We are going to start mixing and blending and having both Steve and I help tag team on the guys and gals. If they need to know what to do, Steve will help direct them to the projects and the general overviews. Then when and if needed, they could get with me if they need more help and/or direction.

- Use technology - Steve loves that saying

- Having Steve and I do some criss cross and helping to bat things back and forth. Both he and I helping with the project management and helping to keep the developers focused on specific projects.

Towards the end of the meeting, Steve and I were looking at some pages and trying to make some look and feel changes. The challenge comes from normal logged in settings vs unlogged in settings.

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Shop 4988 Server talks with Wayne 10/8/2019  

As we were getting into the meeting, we were just talking about management styles and what not. I pushed over a link to a small article from the Harvard Business Review from back in May 2010. The article is called "Bringing Out the Best in Your People". Here is the link:

With AWS, Wayne is having the biggest struggle accessing images and copying session variables into local variables. Tons of different includes, paths, crazy look and feel values, etc. Any time we link to the images differently, it becomes a problem. We are still having problems with logos, alternate logos, watermarks, etc. Wayne is looking at creating a corporation object and then trying to map to that vs all of the normal session stuff.

Small talk about the progression of the system from early 2000's to 2013, 2015 (big influx of new developers), 2016-2017 snow owl theme settings, and so on. We also talked about our custom code options and how the black boxes played into the mix.

Wayne is leaning towards a single corp object. Alan is thinking along those same lines. They were talking about removing the page logic and making it exist much higher on the page. In a way, we have a ton of code that exists and then it gets used differently on the pages. We are needing a way to standardizing that flow and process. As these guys are searching and replacing certain variables... it isn't uncommon to get 1,600 different pages that need to be changed and what not.

Question from Steve - If we stay with Newtek, do we need these same changes or are these new changes just for moving things out to AWS? Lots of talk about localizing the variables and helping to standardize things. Being consistent and making sure that those pieces exists, no mater what.

One of the problems is switching between reports that are based on the secure login and other reports that don't need to be secured, but we still want the whole look and feel to play across. That gets challenging.

Talking about built-in clustering for ColdFusion and what offerings can we still do and achieve at Newtek? Steve had some questions there. We have three different environments... we have older physical dedicated boxes, we have new VPS (virtual private servers), and AWS clustering. We are thinking that we need focus more on the new possibilities with the VPS servers and possible clustering at Newtek. We put some rough percentages out there... this just a starting place. We are thinking 75% of our server efforts on the new VPS and ColdFusion Enterprise clustering. We are then thinking about a 20% effort out in the AWS land (that has been pretty challenging), and then maybe doing 5% efforts on the older physical dedicated servers.

Steve is seeing a new need for dedicated aggregated servers and aggregated systems. That will change our model and may alter some of our focus. Wayne was talking about some load balancing and even doing load testing. Using a scripting program and software to add some load and pound on our servers a little bit more. He provided a link to the Locust software package. - program to automate some server beat-up drills (simulate loads)

Wayne wanted to know, what is our kryptonite (what makes us go slow) - We said, looking up items, tons and tons of invoices, pulling big reports like the P&L, balance sheet, sub inventory, history reports, and tons and tons of transactional data reporting. Steve was saying that we could copy over some data from some of our bigger clients and then use that background data to virtually beat-up the system using real data. Steve is going to check with a couple of clients to get permission to use their data to do the server beat-ups. The real data won't ever be exposed, just used to simulate server loads.

Alan and Wayne were talking about using the load testing options and then looking at other factors such as splitting up the databases, moving the actual databases to their own servers, keeping them on the same servers on different drives, etc. Lots of testing and putting equal automated loads to see what the best configuration might be. Good discussion.

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Shop 4938 Work with Shannon 10/8/2019  

Working with Shannon on some glossary terms. Part way through the meeting, Steve came on and wanted me to look at a small shopping cart bug. It ended up being in some custom black box code. We fixed it and then went on with more glossary stuff. We were working on the S's today. - online glossary

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Shop 5017 Letter of recommendation 10/8/2019  

Russell asked for a letter of recommendation. I went on the USU (Utah State University) site and filled out a form. Russell is looking at getting into the Masters of Management Information Systems program there at USU. Sent an email to Russell when I was finished.

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Shop 5018 Molly: API push 10/8/2019  

Working on the code review for the last modified dates for parent items and sub inventory items. Bryan has almost 50 pages that are being affected due to the new last modified date code. That includes a new API socket to pull data based on the modified date range. We didn't push the new code. There was one page (the database update) that still needed a little bit more work. Bryan has a plan and we will meet again tomorrow to push things up live. Due to the database update, we will need to push it up in phases.

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Shop 5005 Adilas Time 10/9/2019  

Just Dustin and I were on the morning meeting. We touched base and then he bailed out to work on his project. I spent some time doing emails, reviewing code for Wayne from a small flex grid export to CSV file, and recording notes. I uploaded a bunch of concept art to an element of time from last week. This was from a meeting with Jonathan Wells. See this entry for some of the concept art. - concept art and mapping out the system

I merged in some code for Eric and did some light research on ColdFusion using underlying Java objects and being able to manipulate those pieces. I got two email from reps that needed a little bit of debugging on some reports and exports. Working on those pieces.

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Adi 1527 Intercompany Eliminating of Transactions 10/9/2019  

10/8/19: Meeting with Mike and Meredith to discuss how this would play out in database. Mike wants to know possible timeframe/rollout in the 1st quarter of 2020, cost, etc.

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Shop 5022 Wrap-up API 10/9/2019  

Working with Bryan on the new code to monitor and track edits and changes to parent items and products as well as sub inventory or child items and packages. This was a custom project commissioned by Molly, an adilas rep. We spent some time making a plan, doing some final checks, uploading database script files, and going to each server to run the updates for both global parts and items and corp specific sub inventory tables.

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Shop 5023 Pushing up files 10/9/2019  

Bryan and I got back on a GoToMeeting session to finish up the new code changes, merge in new files, and do some live testing. We waited until after most of the normal business hours were done and the main 5-6 pm rush was over. We have about 40+ files that deal with changes to inventory items, both parent items and sub or child items. New code was pushed to all servers.

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Shop 5007 Adilas Time 10/10/2019  

On the morning meeting. Steve, Dustin, Alan, and I were on. They were going over pieces, code, shortcuts, etc. Mostly a work session on our individual projects. Lots of emails on my side.

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Shop 5010 Mini training with Alan 10/10/2019  

Alan did a small training session on getting away from spaghetti code. - see attached for the video recording.

- Spaghetti code may be quicker at the time, but it can come back to haunt you. If you have lots of duplicate code that needs to be updated, you just made it harder on the maintenance side of things. It comes down to reuse, efficiency, layers (MVC - model, view, controller), and built-in intelligence.

- The intelligence is not in the page... it becomes a layer of abstraction (aka separation of data, logic, and visual pieces).

- In an MVC model, here are some of the pieces. The View is just the display (UI or user interface objects) - no real logic here. Just do or show this. The Controller is the underlying logic that is virtually the engine and/or the brains. This element does all of the logic and operations. It doesn't know where the data comes from, it just knows what to do with it. The Model is basically the backend data. There have been multiple conversations that talk about the view-model, the controller-model, etc. Basically, different ways to pull in the data and divide and conquer.

- Wayne Andersen has been trying to help us to head in that direction, meaning more of an MVC type model.

- Inside of adilas, we use a lot of CFC's (ColdFusion components) as a controller and/or a controller-model. We are seeing a need to break these CFC's into smaller parts and pieces.

- Alan was talking about our CFC's and how we are trying to break them up - we are starting to break things in DAO's (data access object). These could be things such as invoiceDAO, bankDAO, customerDAO, depositDAO, etc. Basically, a DAO for each topic and/or section.

- The guys would like to use existing functions, but right now, they are somewhat spread all over the system. So, they tend to re-write a new function and/or try to tweak an existing one to do everything that they needed, even though that same CFC or method may also be used in other places. It starts to create some non-efficiencies in some ways. Also, because the CFC's are somewhat spread all over, the guys may not know where to go to look for either existing pieces and/or where to put the new code. The result is, you start getting some light spaghetti coding.

- Talking about objects, classes, inheritance and how that works with code.

- Organizing things into smart objects - using methods such as create, update, remove, find by id, find all, find custom, etc. This gets into getters and setters and making the data access objects smaller and more usable. They were talking about using lists, arrays, and structs to do database queries vs writing out queries line by line. Basically, if we create methods and/or functions, then they (those new objects and their methods) start doing all of the other query operations.

- Going back to DAO's inside of adilas. Alan started talking about services. These are basically the wrapper logic that talks to DAO. For example, invoice service deals with the invoice DAO, the deposit service deals with the deposit DAO, etc.

- We talked about the existing CFC's inside of adilas. Originally they were setup in things such as assets, liabilities, maintenance, management, reports, requests, searches, security, etc. We then added numbers to those as they got bigger and bigger. For example: we have search_1 through search_15 with tons of different methods in each section. They all belong there, they just aren't very searchable. We have assets 1-13, cart 1-4, liabilities 1-7, maintenance 1 -14, etc. It is categorized, but it was setup a little bit too broad. It would be so much better if we had an invoice service that showed all methods dealing with invoices. Those invoice services would interact with the invoice DAO's. Then, if you wanted to look-up what has already been done with invoices, you would know where to go and what to do.

- Classes and classification - classes and sub classes (going from broad to more specific to even more specific or a subset within that classification set or sub set). They were talking about a sample of dogs... all dogs bark, all dogs walk, all dogs run. However, each type of dog has a slightly different bark, speed, color, size, etc. Each individual within those classes and sub classes have specific data that is tied to them. For example: Sally, the German Shepherd is going to be different than Billy the beagle. They were talking about objects, instances, etc.

- We are going to be doing more and more training as we go forward.

After the meeting, Alan, Dustin, and Russell jumped on a Zoom meeting to talk about some other options. See attached for that video as well, if you are interested. Great meeting and I think that the guys enjoyed it.

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Shop 4935 Work with Shannon 10/10/2019  

Shannon and I met up and worked on some more glossary terms. We also talked about getting back to the main adilas user guide. - online glossary

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Shop 5012 Meeting with Chuck - camp-adilas 10/10/2019  

We had a meeting with Chuck and he was showing some new progress with the campground stuff. We are code naming it camp-adilas just for fun. That was Marisa's idea. We had Danny Shuford, Marisa Shaw, Chuck, Steve, Alan, and myself on the meeting. Steve and I were lightly distracted, due to a server issue. We had two servers down and we were part in the meeting and part trying to make sure that things were being taken care of. Interesting.

Anyways, here are some notes from our meeting.

- Visual services and access to add-on services when selling and booking a campground site

- Color coded helpers to help with states, statuses, and color coding helpers

- Be able to show available, occupied, and services available to each site

- Marisa was talking about a synced reservation and a non-synced reservation. This deals with who is booking the site. Is it grandma and grandpa who put their card down to reserve 4 different sites for their family (synced or all together) or is it just a single family booking a site (non-synced or self pay). She was saying that we need to be able to do both and allow those groups to expand, contract, and break apart if needed. All of this deals with billing and reservations.

- It is really important to be able to show just the open sites for a specific date range.

- The sites themselves need different status levels. For example: pending, confirmed, checked in, checked out, reserved, etc.

- They talked about a "do not move" lock on certain site. This deals with a state or status that keeps the person locked in for some reason. It could be VIP treatment, special needs, special group considerations, or some other circumstance.

- We need to be able to add notes to any site and/or reservation.

- Block a site through a date range. Also being able to block the same site with a possible extension date range (not for sure, but a maybe or possible extended stay).

- Lots of needs for discounts and campaign tracking. This is already built in, but we wanted to note it anyways.

- Waiting lists would be nice. Able to sort and move people around on the waiting list as needed. They even talked about different queue type options.

- Lots of color coding and legends

- Being able to move reservations from the waiting list to some other available site

- Lots of talk about treating the waiting list like a queue of sort sort. The queue would be, by default, first come first server, but it would also have ways of tweaking it based off of needs, special circumstances, and/or add-on services (being able to manually move things around if needed).

- Currently, the campgrounds are doing tons of little hand-written notes and post-it notes to keep track of things. That gets crazy as things get busier.

- Danny was talking about using the priority fields on the elements of time to help sort certain reservations and/or waiting list persons. Just an idea.

- My biggest take away from the meeting was Marisa's comment - "I can sell this!" - Chuck is making the system sellable due to the ideas of the intuitive graphical user interface and what the possibilities could be. That was my favorite comment. Good stuff. We need to make this thing sellable.

- Sent an email to both Chuck and Russell to have them look into some of the stuff that we have been doing with Jonathan Wells, the designer from Rexburg, ID area. Here is the link:

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Shop 5016 Talking with Steve 10/10/2019  

By way of a note, Newtek, the server farm was proposing a full reinstall of a software package. We finally got Wayne, one of our guys on it, and he was able to find the problem and get it fixed without doing a full reinstall. That was pretty awesome. After that, we looked through some of the other logs and tried to make sure that everything was tight and good. Wayne is the man.

After all of the server stuff got settled down, Steve and I had some talks and discussion about direction and how to help standardize things. We also talked about the "sellable" comment that Marisa was making in out last meeting. Good stuff.

We would like to become more organized in - design, projects, and code. Those are some of our focuses right now.

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Shop 5024 cross corp 10/10/2019  
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Shop 5041 Gneral 10/11/2019  

Lots of emails and follow-ups. Spent some time checking out some new code from Wayne. It was dealing with an export to CSV for flex grid tie-in results. The main part was really good. I had to tweak a few small lines of code on a custom export. Really small stuff. The new files have been merged in and pushed up to all servers.

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Adi 1533 Cannabis Dispensary Homepages - Settings Page to Control Buttons 10/11/2019  
10/10/19:  I like the idea of adding a settings page to control the buttons. We do need to add in a choice for the Production Home so I will add your idea of show/hide the Closing Report.
So I pulled up the code and the notes, see below.
It's currently set to basic invoices, as requests came in to lower the permission level to use this function.
I'd say we need a setting per user to filter who can access and who can not?
Or would you be ok if no one could see this button?
Maybe a setting that just hid the button?

4/13/18 small permission change. somehow it was asking for a different permission. changed 118 to 116. bwm
4/16/18 we had more requests to change the permission down to basic invoices or id=59. too many
complaints that the permissions were set to high. went from permission 116 (sales and
profit reports) to 59 (basic invoices). bwm
I did go through all the permissions and didn't see anything that was associated with the button in the Quick Search field. I removed any permissions associated with their access to reports, but we do not want them to see that button at all.

At this time your only able to limit the person to just the days transactions if they have the permission
I can look up the permission to be sure. Or are you wanting them to not be able to see the button?
10/8/19: ......"hoping to remove the "Closing Report" option for budtenders' "Quick Button" options. I checked with Drea last week and have not heard back. Can you let me know if there is a quick fix for this? I've checked all the permissions and don't see anything associated with it.
10/14/19 Use the same WebSettingID as the label size? srb
10/18/19 Perhaps adding link to production homepage as an option too?
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Shop 5058 Phone call with Steve 10/11/2019  

Steve and I got on a phone call to talk about options and moving forward. We got an email back from Chuck that said that he was wanting to work full time for adilas and even give his two week notice at his other job to do so. We were talking about options and how we could possibly structure our team to help make things happen and function better. We talked about markets and vertical white labels of our own product. We talked about re-skinning and re-designing some of our existing functionality to make it look custom per business vertical. We also talked about developer, designers, project managers, and reps and how each could possibly play into the mix. Super fun conversation and lots of vision and direction. I really enjoyed the call. Good things are happening.

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Shop 5009 Adilas Time 10/14/2019  

Steve and I were the only ones on the morning meeting. We had fun and talked about a number of topics and had a mini brainstorming session. The main topics were where can we focus and how can we get there. Fun chats and talks. The two main topics were look and feel and server stuff like getting people off the bus and splitting up the database (wold building).

We also spent quite a bit of time talking about the concept of MVP (minimum viable product). We have so much to offer. We are kinda excited to see what pieces we can bundle up and package and then sell those pieces (services). Great session.

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Shop 5040 Meeting with Wayne about VPS servers 10/14/2019  

Steve, Wayne, and I were talking about serves and direction. We were talking about getting things going with Newtek with the new VPS and clustering options. We are somewhat putting AWS stuff on hold. We have been over there for six plus months and still having some issues and running into small little barriers of sorts. We have had great success with Newtek and want to keep that ball moving forward.

One of the main topics of the day was the data 0 box. It is currently our oldest box and plays a pivotal role. It is somewhat of the gateway for the rest of the system. We are going to be trying to change that and get all of the normal companies that need production level capacity to other servers. Basically, we are going to be splitting up the corporations (worlds or business entities) on that server into a couple of new spots. It should help things go faster and lessen the load on the actual gateway that data 0 plays (as far as a redirect or doorway type application).

Here are some of our other notes. Lots of good chats and talks.

- Lewis and Clark expeditions and mapping things out and figuring out what to do and where to go next. This is part of our explorations that are needed in the digital realm.

- Splitting up databases in to different datasources (where are things pointed) and also the structure of the data. We talked about certain tables that are independent, certain tables that need to stay as shared or master data, and other tables that are for sure corp-specific or based on a per world level. Interesting conversation. Going back to the older world building ideas - cluster database vs solar system databases.

- Wayne was mentioning that he would like to work with Alan on splitting things up between the database and different datasources. That could be really cool. Wayne was also mentioning about using the DAO's (data access objects) and having that be part of splitting up the databases. As a side note, if we create new databases and datasources for each company, we would potentially be duplicating a lot of data. It may be faster, but we need to look at what that extra duplication would cost as far as connections, storage, and even eventual clean-up. In short, moving to the DAO model vs duplicating existing databases.

- We are really trying to move more towards the adilas community funded projects... similar to how the open source software and community operate and flow. If someone really wants something big, they need to make some resources available (time, money, ideas, people, etc.).

- We talked about selling the data storage and processing services. In a way, we could say, our system or software is free, you just pay for the services that you need to support that. Those could be setup, hosting, storage, processing, custom code, marketing, training, consulting, design, etc.

- We briefly talked about owning our own hardware cluster there at Newtek. It was on Steve's list to talk about. Wayne chimed in and recommended that we not go in that direction. He explained that if we stay on Newtek's hardware clusters, they have a reason to keep upgrading and maintaining those clusters. If we ride on top of what they are doing (their products and services) we gain from all of their advancements. If we are on our own, we have to provide all of those upgrades and maintenance pieces. Great point and something to think about. Ideally, if we gain enough, we would be better off riding on top of these other products and services.

- We spent some time talking about the refresh rate and the replacement rage of hardware and who manages that.

- Stress testing on the servers - Finding server level breakpoints and stress and load testing on servers. We pointed Wayne to a number of bigger reports and processes. He will simulate those loads on some test data to see if we can find any stress points, breakpoints, and other info we can gain by load testing things. Wayne would like to work with some of the reps and consultants to find the pain points and going the daily grid and what works and what needs some more loving.

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Shop 5044 General 10/14/2019  

After Wayne left from our earlier meeting, Steve and I kept talking about some other ideas and options. He and I are pretty much just some dreamers who keep trying to make our dreams (and the dreams of others) come to pass. Pretty fun. I really enjoy that part of the game.

- Helping people win and get mini (and many) victories.

- We talked about Tuesday and Thursday developer days. This would be times when we could meet with each developer and get some updates and reports on what they are doing, working  on, or if they have any needs or struggles. We are thinking of recommending at least 1 hour per week per developer.

- Being silly... be careful what you wish for... Steve was saying that he would really like to learn more about CSS and JavaScript. Well, we now have some people who literally could help us get there and learn the skills that we have always wanted. Pretty cool.

- Letting our clients lead us to what is the next logical step and where the needs are. If we listen, they will tell us. Then we just need to get in there and get it done for them. Good stuff.

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Adi 1534 Datasource - Bus to Motorcycle 10/14/2019  

As of 1/1/2024 this is on hold.

Move & Clean Up Data - Pros (cleaner, less data per datasource, narrow scope of work) Cons (slower, elephant)

Permission DAO

Move - Pros (faster) Cons (creates more columns) (update slower)

Wayne speaking with Alan on DSN functionality

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Shop 5031 Meeting with Josh 10/14/2019  

Met with Josh and got him going on a project called - show tax breakdowns. As a funny side note, we actually started this project (at least the database part of it) back in 2012. We have one part of it currently working on the mini invoice or 3" customer receipt. The new project will activate the corp-wide setting (created clear back in 2012) and actually cascade it to a number of other sections. The end goal is to show a full tax breakdown per invoice. Some of these cities and states want tons of details on their invoices for compliance reasons. We have the data, we will just turn it into a setting and go from there.

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Shop 5042 Working on to do list 10/14/2019  

Basic to do list stuff. Calling on some business funding, emails, and follow-ups. Called and talked with Shawn about some upcoming payroll stuff for 2020. Also read a new developer's resume and some project details that he had been involved with.

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Shop 5045 push eXPO 10/14/2019  

Bryan and I met over a Zoom session. We did some dynamic JavaScript building and then rolled back into an older project. Back a while ago, we did a project called invoice rounding and allowing invoices to round themselves to the nearest dollar based on a tipping point (where to round up/down based on cents). Well, Bryan has a client that is asking for that same functionality out in the ecommerce land of invoices. We went over some of the old project details and how to get back into that project.

After the meeting, I made some phone calls and did some other to do list stuff. Busy day today.

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Shop 5006 Adilas Time 10/15/2019  

On the morning meeting with Steve and Dustin. We mostly just did our own thing today. Steve and I chatted about a few things but mostly I was working through small to do list stuff, emails, recording notes, paying bills, and what not. Steve was doing the same thing.

I did put up some notes from a meeting with Chuck the other day. He is working on some mock-ups for the campground industry. Here is the link to our notes from that meeting.

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Shop 4939 Work with Shannon 10/15/2019  

Shannon and I touched base and I showed her some of the new graphics and stuff that both Chuck and Jonathan have been working on. That was fun and she enjoyed it. I enjoy sharing and showing progress and vision. After that we worked on the online glossary. We were on J's, K's, and S's. See the link below. - online glossary of terms

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Shop 5043 Meeting with Chuck 10/15/2019  

- Talking about scheduling and reservations. We could do campgrounds, hotels, rafting companies, ski areas, etc.

- Getting into job costing and project tracking.

- Small talks about insurance and how independents deal with insurance. Small talks on individuals as well as companies and working for your own company. Being able to write off certain things based on your own business stuff.

- Light training

- Frontend and backend tools. Light talks about the how that would work.

- New icons on the side, new pages, being able to split reservations (group reservations and being able to split into individual reservations).

- Maps - a user could upload a map (just a base image). We could also allow for settings and bookings, using that map. We could really tweak things out here... when you click on a location, it could pop-up a modal window and show existing availability, reservations, stats, options, and booking values. Maybe have the users send us a map and then we build it out into a functional piece with nav, JavaScript, pop-ups, etc.

- We also talked about building to the dream vs just building what you know. If you only build to what you know, you limit yourself based on tech and get stuck on the how are we going to do this and that. Build to the dream and try to match the tech as needed. That can come later if needed. Build the dream.

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Shop 5056 eXPO: eCommerce push 10/15/2019  

Meeting with Bryan to go over some new code and do a code merge.

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Shop 5046 Meeting with Jonathan 10/15/2019  

- Light overview of our vision - overarching adilas design vs individual business vertical designs and mini white label options.

- Talking about the reports homepage... where can we go from there? Currently, there are reports for invoices, sales by, items, parent/child items, vendor stuff, and customer based reports. Jonathan was wondering about all of the other reports. In a way, all that adilas is a giant reporting application. Data comes in, then our users want to pull that data back in some way. That would be super awesome.

- Going to some graphics and screenshots - Comparing old and new report settings and pages. One was on an older code set, new code sets, and even permissions and settings. Jonathan was noticing small differences based off of those vars (old, new, permissions, and settings). Lots of moving pieces.

- What to expect... We talked about how the adilas core graphic was divided into main system players, then sub homepage based on that player group, each player group also had searches, reports, and other data or group specific output. Each section (main player group) will also have tons and tons of data associated with them.

- The interactive map has a button for history and reports up in the top right hand corner. That is a pivotal piece (corner piece).

- What do we do? We store data, we show data, etc.

- Jonathan was listing out pages and then sorting them based on names, pages, sections, etc.

- So much redundancy (in the design and in the navigation) ... new users can get lost. Does this button mean the same thing that I already saw or is this a different section? Because there are so many ways around the horn... it somewhat makes it hard to find your way around.

- The shed and tool box analogy - You will need a lot of different tools. Most of them you keep in the shed and/or toolbox. However, each time you do a task, you want certain tools for the task at hand. How can we help them get to the tools that they need and still keep it super simple. A similar analogy is an artist and a pallet of paints. They need them all but they only are usually dealing with certain ones per painting.

- The deeper we get, the more we get the comments... How can I go faster? How can I do more? How can I see more? How can I mix this and that? How can I (fill in the blank)?

- Jonathan asked... Do you think people use your system more for viewing data or for entering data? We answered, both. It totally depends on which side of the fence you are on. Are you a salesperson at the counter do a sale or are you a manager looking at financial? It all depends.

- We lightly talked about custom links, custom buttons, and custom icon navigation.

- Some of the upper management users are wanting things quicker, faster, easier - things are going to mobile apps, quick reports, dashboards, etc.

- Screenshots of searches on the sides, data is in the middle, and add new is at the top. Simple layout and then keep it standard on all group level areas (customer, deposits, invoices, PO's, expense/receipts, parts/items, stock/units, vendors, users, etc.) See the screen shots.

- Being able to use settings (using the gear icon) to get rid of certain columns, sort values, pre-set setttings, page level settings, users settings, group settings, show/hide columns, custom naming conventions, etc. Super cool fracture type ideas and tech. This would be awesome for the upcoming fracture type system.

- Standard of here is how you enter data, here is how you view your data, here is how you get to certain areas quickly.

- A lot of the system is built out in tons of standalone URL or pages. That allows us to jump and interact with whatever page/tool that we want. As a technical side note, some of the pages do have required flow and pages but some of that is negotiable and/or programable.

- Jumping back to the mind map type overview. We also talked about the interactive map and how we could use it to drill-down into more details from there. Being able to flip flop the view. Allowing for multiple different views of the same things (what is your style).

- Being able to flip into an education mode and then be able to show simple videos, walk around tours, and step-by-step directions. This could show/hide extra verbiage, show/hide quick images, show/hide quick video tours, etc. Education is a huge key.

- We are seeing that every page is going to need an id number for saving settings on a per page level. This is feature already exists. We just need some data entry to get all of the id numbers. Jonathan would even love to store possible CSS settings and such on a per page level. Lots of roads leading in this direction, page level controls and settings.

- See attached for image uploads of concept art, icon boxes, magic 4 square, search and results options, mind maps, etc.

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Shop 5066 General 10/15/2019  

Talking with Steve about direction and projects. I lightly proposed that we start working on a new subset of code and go clear back to single sign on (login and separating out users from systems). I also would propose that we start with new database structures per corporation and/or per group of corporations. We are technically able to play both ways. That is awesome and has some advantages. As a side note, he was somewhat busy answering emails. Those things take up a ton of our time.

I pushed up some code for Bryan and let him know. I spent the rest of the time uploading images and recording notes.

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Shop 5067 Uploading photos and screenshots 10/15/2019  

Uploading screenshots and photos from earlier meetings today. - meeting with Jonathan Wells

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Shop 5048 Adilas Time 10/21/2019  

On the morning meeting with Dustin, Steve, and Alan. We were touching base on all of the things going on. Steve needed a merge into master for his current code branch. We did that and both Alan and Steve have plans to take some of the pages a little bit further. Most of the meeting was just touching base on different projects and who is doing what.

I spent quite a bit of time working on emails and doing some follow-ups with different people.

One of the follow-ups was with Russell. I called him and we chatted and then jumped online for a 2 hour meeting with both Steve and I. Great meeting. See below for a number of ideas, concepts, direction, and notes from our meeting:

- Need to focus on Snow Owl theme settings (overall look and feel of adilas pages, reports, headers, footers, and data tables).

- On the data tables (fancy tables that allow exports, sub filtering and sub searching, and sorting of columns) - we talked about the need to get a better handle on these data tables, make them more standard, and deal with the possible weaknesses and/or bottle necks with going with these new fancy table structures. By way of a note, we have a number of these data tables throughout the entire system. We need more of them and we also need to refine some of them to make things faster and smoother.

- We talked about what would be involved with the process if we created our own data tables, specific for adilas, and our client's needs. We talked about creating our own custom tags, our own we components, and then using that throughout the whole system.

- We spent a good amount of time talking about how the need to show aggregated data could remove some of the existing load from showing transactional data with the data tables. Those data tables are really good at showing smaller number of records vs tables with thousands and thousands of records. They really work better for things in the hundreds of records vs the thousands of records (and up). Aggregated data would be things like quick counts, totals, sums, averages, maxes, mins, groups, and other overview type data and numbers. That would also be great if we could show that data in charts, graphs, quick numbers, easy to use mini dashboards, and even graphical sub homepages or graphical homepages per section (system main player groups and/or subsets of specific tools and features).

- If we start showing graphical homepage and aggregated data, it would virtually allow us to pull back a level and push the transactional data deeper. It still needs to exist, but it may be a better option if we could get them quick details and data and then allow for drill-downs as needed. Quick, easy, simple, and then more details as needed.

- On the data tables, do we know what people/users are using and wanting? Is it the exporting, the sub searching, filtering, sortable columns, or quick pagination?

- Maybe work on and do some concepting and proof of concept on the adilas data tables. Take it to the fracture level.

- Russell is going to get with Brandon to do some training on the existing and current data tables. We plan on recording the training session. The goal is to start standardizing the implementation of those tools and features (data tables) in the system.

- We (Steve and I) are really trying to focus on better project management, planning, and helping everybody get small victories. Some of this may involve virtually protecting our guys so that they don't get pulled in every direction.

- Lots of talk about MVP's (minimal viable product) and shooting for that type of approach.

- Breaking things (projects and processes) into smaller projects and pieces.

- Asynchronous data loading for big record sets.

- API sockets and loading in bite sized pieces, data, and logic as the application backbone (main source of both raw and formatted data).

- Russell was talking about a need for more developer training, requirements, snippets, CSS and code samples, standards, validation, and other dev tools.

- Steve and I would like Russell to lead the way and lead out on what is new and what is going on. Nothing too huge, but basically, what is the next logical step?

- Having Russell and Chuck work together. More coordination and small teams. Getting involved with all of the other players and pieces. Different talks about teams and collaborating with each other.

- Easy, pretty, simple, and powerful

- White labeling our own product on a per business vertical type model.

- Russell would really like something that he could be involved with and have some kind of stake, claim, and or ownership. We talked about both adilas and adilas fracture type options.

- Steve would like to come up with a new business type model - who owns what, a perpetual trust type entity, open invitations, rules, regulations, standards and options. Reformatting our existing business structure.

- The concept of how "fracture" keeps happening. The deeper we look, the deeper it goes. Everything is sub dividing and splitting into smaller and smaller pieces or subs. Along with that, where are we headed? Ok, then let's build that.

- The whole thing keeps unwinding and new ideas keep coming and falling into place. We just keep taking the next logical step forward.

- We are seeing more and more needs and wants to be mobile ready, responsive, and modern design needs. This could be mobile apps, phone ready options, different screen sizes, multiple screens at the same time, virtual environments, and where are things headed? Keep pushing forward. Skate to where the puck is going to be (proactive approach).

- We are really wanting to jump into some other verticals (business entities and business categories).

- Steve used to look for a single rep or consultant. Not marital status, but size wise (just one person at a time). Now, he is trying harder and harder to find super consultants who want a group of like clients, outsourced compliance, oversite, over viewers, and other vertical specific services. He would love to tie into different CPA firms or groups. The goal there is to turn over the training, setup, oversite, and support to these super consultant groups or white label entities. They run with the needs per business vertical.

- Reoccurring revenue models and how to work with it and mange it along the way. SaaS (software as a service) and what and where is that headed? Good stuff.

- Let's make it happen. We can check off the checkboxes. Let's do it.

- We even want to move our leads over to the correct white label suppliers. We will act as the industry specific point of contact until a suitable entity and/or third party white labeler is in place and/or available.

- Let others focus on each vertical, we will focus on the core and our software package and the offerings.

- Even the core keeps fracturing. That sounds bad, but we are really excited about it. This is the new direction, small, multi pointed, configurable, flexible, software options and packages.

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Shop 5068 Cross corp 10/21/2019  

Working with Bryan on the cross corp project. We ended up spending some time talking about cross corp mappings and whether or not to map clear out to the sub or child level. We decided that basic parent item mapping was enough as the sub could be unlimited and we could look up details as needed. We then switched to a few other projects. Bryan had a tick list of questions and we talked about a number of them. One of the topics was the Square merchant processing integration. The client who wanted that integration, is backing out of that and no longer wants it. Bryan is trying to make sure that he still gets paid for integration work that was done.

See attached for a simple graphic dealing with application types on the core layout. The id numbers are used behind the scenes to keep track of what section and/or quadrant each player types is tied to. Kinda techy, but a simple image to show the main player types or application types.

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Shop 5071 General 10/21/2019  

Recording notes and copying info from post-it notes to the adilas developer's notebook. Emails and other to do list stuff.

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Shop 5055 Adilas Time 10/22/2019  

Touching base with some of the developers. Steve, Dustin, and Wayne were on the meeting. Wayne gave us an update on the new VPS servers.

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Shop 5069 Mini training session with Alan 10/22/2019  

We had Bryan, Wayne, Russell, Alan, Steve, Josh, Shawn, and myself on the training meeting.

Alan was presenting and we started really light and did a small review. We were going over components, objects, inheritance, extensions, and using some cfscript tags. They were getting into overriding attributes, values, etc. Lots of talk about the difference between tag based code vs script based code. ColdFusion allows both tag and script based languages. Adobe is leaning more toward script based as they go forward. Just an FYI.

We did record it. See attached for a copy of the recording. - cheat sheet link to some cfscript stuff

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Shop 5059 Work with Shannon 10/22/2019  

Shannon joined right at 11 am, when we had her scheduled. Our developer training meeting went over a bit, so she had to wait. Once we got together, we did some light planning and will hit it again on Thursday. Pretty light today, due to the overlap of meetings.

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Shop 5047 Meeting with Shawn 10/22/2019  

Touching base on 2020 tax and withholding updates. We setup a soft due date for all new tax changes for December 18, 2019. We also setup some reoccurring times to meet for the next couple of weeks.

- We talked about setting up dummy type records for the new year. Basically, copying this year's forms and putting in new code for the 2019 tax year. We can then update those files and forms when we actually get real values. Sometimes, the government takes a while to get us new rates, brackets, and forms. That way we are fully prepared and kinda ahead of the game. Idea from Shawn.

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Shop 5065 Meeting with Chuck 10/22/2019  

Chuck and I met and did a little bit of internal training. We added some notes, sub dates and times, photos, and media/content to a project (element of time) that he was working on. We also went over some billing and invoicing questions. I showed him how we search expenses, add expenses, pay bills, document things, and write checks out. Mostly just a Q and A session to get oriented. We also setup some meeting times for the next couple of weeks.

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Shop 5072 cross corp 10/22/2019  

Working with Bryan on the cross corp invoice to PO process. He is getting closer and closer to getting it all finished and tied up. We ended up chasing a small vendor/payee bug and trying to determine where it was happening. Most times it was great, but some times, it forced changes without checking and validating first. We worked on documenting the bug and worked on tracking it down. Bryan will continue looking into things and get back with me.

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Shop 5073 Working with Dustin 10/22/2019  

Dustin and I worked on some dynamic JavaScript syntax. We got him going pretty quick. He was super close and the code just required a small tweak.

After the meeting, I was working on emails, recording notes, uploading training videos, etc.

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Shop 5050 Adilas Time 10/23/2019  

Joined the morning meeting. Dustin and Bryan were there. Dustin said hi and then bailed out to work on his own projects. Bryan and I worked on chasing down a bug where new corporations were created but their new image folders and sub folders were not created. This caused problems when trying to upload a logo and/or watermark for the different corporations. We found that it was a few little commas that had been omitted. We fixed it and uploaded new code to the servers. We also went around and updated all servers and ran a special check to update the image folders per server. We have one more update that still needs to be ran, but we will do it later today as it was non critical.

On the phone with Wells Fargo bank going over some changes and what not. We primarily use Wells Fargo for ACH transactions. This is where businesses do a direct payment from bank to bank and skip a credit/debit card transaction for the monthly service fees. Anyways, got those all figured out. Other email tasks and light research on current projects.

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Shop 5086 Meeting with Molly 10/23/2019  

Going over loyalty points. See email for GoToMeeting id.

Molly and I met for about an hour, we went over some of the math on the customer loyalty points and how things are working. We made a small list of recommendations and small things to check and/or make easier. We also spent some time talking about sub inventory and getting new reports, new API sockets, and making that section tighter. We also talked briefly about developers and team management practices. Great meeting.

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Adi 1535 GUI - Airports 10/23/2019  

Graphical User Interface for airports and pilots.

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Shop 5097 General 10/23/2019  

Follow-ups with emails and different projects. Created a database update to run some basic maintenance on the corp-specific database tables. Ran the update on all servers.

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Shop 5098 cross corp 10/23/2019  
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Shop 5053 Adilas Time 10/24/2019  

Started out following some logic on the code for the calculations for customer loyalty points on the special accounts. Trying to follow the earned points logic as well as the use and/or redeem logic. I'm also trying to follow the both redeem and earn logic on the same invoice.

Steve was on another call with Danny Shuford. Once he got finished, he popped on to the meeting. We talked about cascading new changes and how much that sometime jostles the ship. We launched some code the other day and Steve got a number of emails that he had to answer, people and users just asking questions. We talked about the ever increasing need for more settings and cascading those settings all around the site. We also talked about helping our users know what is coming, especially if we are affecting multiple parties.

We talked about the job of supporting our products and helping out our customers. I told Steve that my brother loves this saying about mountains... the top is only half way. We need to take the same approach with our projects and products. Building it is only half way. The other half comes in the support, maintenance, enhancements, and education. Kinda interesting.

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Shop 5062 Work with Shannon 10/24/2019  

Shannon and I did a session on the online glossary. We were working on T's, U's, V's, and W's. See the link below for the glossary. - online glossary

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Shop 5070 Meeting with Scott Jolley 10/24/2019  

Met up with Scott and watched him pull some sub inventory reports and data exports. He was grabbing sales reports for the whole year. Those reports were returning 20,000+ records and then trying to export either to MS Excel or CSV files. The system would spin and take quite a bit of time. Eventually, he showed me a couple of errors and I said that I would try to check them out and see what I could find.

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Shop 5101 General 10/24/2019  

Recording notes and following up via email on things.

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Shop 5099 Cross corp 10/24/2019  

Bryan and I spent an hour looking over code. We found a few small things with the cross corp. We did some light work on PO types and cascading that through. We also followed both barcodes and RFID tag values through from parents, to line items, to subs. The only known hole still remaining is dealing with quantity/cost/price values and following that all the way from cross-corp invoice to PO. Making progress.

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Shop 5102 Follow-up and work session 10/24/2019  

Made some phone calls and back on the customer loyalty points math and calculations. Tracking down the process.

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Shop 5103 General 10/24/2019  

Working on math calcs for customer loyalty points and mixed earning and redemption on the same invoice.

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Shop 5105 General 10/25/2019  

Emails, phone calls, and working on customer loyalty points and showing the correct calculations. Made a number of changes, pushed up new code and did some testing. Alan contacted me and I created a non-discloser and non-compete form for a new developer. Eric reached out to me and we went over some of the new changes for the special accounts and customer loyalty points and calculations. Good stuff.

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Shop 5087 Meeting with Russell 10/26/2019  

Training from Russell on using data tables. - some of Russell's idea board - another site that Russell is building

We had some talks about throttling some of the data to 1,500 records or less. This will be a virtual code check level kinda like a speed limit. One of the solutions is add in the aggregated data to help them get the totals, sums, averages, max, mins, etc. We need to bury the big data a layer or two deeper. Get them the numbers and totals quickly, and then allow for more drill-downs if they need it.

There is a page called top_secret/secure/afb_email_preview.cfm that uses a data table in a smaller way.

/// for the code - see the top_secret/secure/invoice_home_basic.cfm for some details.
- setup vars for: useDataTablesAFB, dataTableRD, dataTableClass - these are set in the wrapper page
- one of these vars (useDataTablesAFB) are in the top_secret/basic_footer.cfm - there is some custom tweaking that could be done on this page altering the JavaScript.
- the vars dataTableRD and dataTableClass may be reset in the header
- we need a thead and a tbody and then th tags

See attached for a video recording of the training session.

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Shop 5049 Adilas Time 10/28/2019  

It must be Monday. We had a pretty busy morning meeting. Dustin checked in. Alan joined in and reported on some of his projects. He set up some times to meet with Steve. We also talked quite a bit about data tables and creating more aggregated data and pushing the transactional data deeper into the system. That will definitely be an upcoming project. It is gaining momentum and heat. Eric joined in and we chatted about special accounts, new rounds on customer loyalty points, implementing new rules, and other projects that he is interested in. Steve assigned him to two new projects from the community funded projects list.

In between the different reports and sub meetings, I did a code merge for Bryan, uploaded a new video, and recorded some expenses.

Steve and I got into a discussion about world building and enterprise system (consolidated data for multiple corps). We talked about world bulding levels such as: universe, galaxy, cluster, solar system, and clear down into worlds and/or corporations or entities. See attached for an older drawing of how those levels play together.

Steve and I also did a small code session on some of the recipe/build stuff that he is working on. We talked about putting in flow and validation pieces to help him get the desired records and data. Small analogy of building a road and putting in water bars and drains (engineering where you want things to go and flow). The last part of the session was spent going over the internal flow of the adilas API sockets and how those pieces work and flow. Steve is planning on starting in on that and using the internal API to gather and record daily sales data from aggregated or consolidated corporations (worlds). He is getting dangerous in his knowledge and willingness to learn and grow. Super exciting stuff.

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Adi 1536 Making Phases in Cultivation Dynamic 10/28/2019  

From Molly email 10/26/19: Making those phases dynamic (except for maybe with state connected databases) would allow someone to customize their phases a little more. A lot of my cannabis clients have propagation, veg1 and veg2 phases before flower. (Or they don’t want to call it propagation).. Maybe some people don’t want the harvest “phase”.. I think making the phases more flexible would help long term. I’ve tried adding phases to the templates once or twice but as I recall it doesn’t work properly when I do. 

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Adi 1537 Connecting Clone Batches to Harvest Batches 10/28/2019  

From Molly email 10/26/19: Even more of a priority, the problem I have right now is that I can’t connect clone batches to harvest batches.. this clouds the transparency of a plants complete record. I would like to figure out how to connect the plant and harvest elements of time...maybe via flex? 

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Adi 1538 Loyalty points added functionality & Gift Cards 10/28/2019  

1/21/20: More loyalty points functions needed. Brandon said he was aware of these:

1) Add a blue level permission for setting up and managing loyalty points program so that a manager can use it without accessing the balance sheet.

2) Automate voiding of loyalty points when invoice/sale is voided.

3)"Depositing loyalty points" This is on the radar- to map the payments not yet deposited to COGS so that owners can see what the loyalty points are costing them. Currently can leave undeposited or do a workaround and deposit with an offsetting deposit line to reduce revenue (other revenue-not from sales).

10/28/19: Both Molly and Cory have clients who would like to be able to limit loyalty points to customer types ie members, guests, etc.

Another client also wondered how to delete or edit points once allocated.= Brandon said you can make one negative transaction to offset the points accrued.

& Gift Cards

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Shop 5104 Meeting with Jonathan 10/28/2019  

Jonathan, Steve, and I were all on the meeting. We started out and jumped into some general world building concepts. Just trying to keep Jonathan in the loop and seeing where we are going or where new development is happening. After that, we turned the presentation over to him and he showed us what he has been working on. Still lots of mapping, gathering, and what not. We have him on a big project - cleaning out the garage and helping us to organize things... :)

Here are some notes from the day:

- 3 main navigation buttons or area that people want to be in - they are where do you want to go? What do you want to do? How can I show you or let you pull the reports you want? In a nutshell - go, do, reports

- The Go section would be broken down into different navigation type or screens. We were thinking of cards with icons, a zoomed in map, the core layout (radial fan), and a build your own section. The Do section would be somewhat a mini search engine built into the system. They user would type a word and we would bring back results for them to click on. For example: they type discount and we show different discounts options, reports, help files, videos, etc. Super simple search with built-in navigation. The other section would be the reports or what you want to see (show me) section. We spent quite a bit of time on this section, but the main gist was categories, sub reports under those categories, and settings to allow for the page to be customized and organized as needed.

- Going back to the zoomed out map idea with icons. Jonathan took the existing interactive map, added some icons and simplified the design a bit. Great starting point.

- The action or do section could be setup like a mini google area or search engine within the system. Make it fun and light but able to jump to assets that deal with the task at hand.

- 3 different type of tools - Tools for entering data, tools for searching data, and tools for showing the results of the searches (reports).

- Lots of talk about settings. What different types of settings are there? World level (corporation wide settings), Industry specific settings, main 12 player group settings, page level settings, and individual user settings.

- Splitting up the settings into the different player groups and even allowing for page level drill-downs as needed. For example: Say we were dealing with settings for invoices. We have all of those and we also show all pages inside the invoice section that also have settings. Be able to do all different kinds of settings from one spot (corp-wide, group level, page level, and user settings).

- We got into lots of talks and discussions about build your own navigation systems. Be able to set icons, colors, naming convention, sort order, tool tips, custom URL or pick from a list, and other individual button/nab type settings.

- It would be super cool if you could turn things on/off and then drag and drop into a placeholder or a grid of sorts

- As we were talking about custom built navigation systems, I started to think about the my cart favorite buttons. We allow general buttons, photo buttons, nested or group buttons (be able to stack things), colors, custom names, add/edit custom categories (ways of organizing and grouping like buttons), custom sort options, copy or use other user's buttons, etc. Lots of fun ideas. Instead of just POS (point of sale) buttons, be able to do something similar for custom navigation. Anyways, use my cart favorite buttons or that idea to build out custom navigation systems. This could be a cool addition for the fracture stuff.

- Going along with the custom navigation buttons, we may also want to allow for colors, icons, categories, custom sort options, special placement options, etc. Turn it into a virtual pallet of sorts (pull and organize your space like an artist using a pallet for a painting). Super flexible.

- The term cohesiveness came out a number of times. Making the site cohesive through tools, apps, pages, sites, products, and even marketing.

- As a company matures, it often tries to use a designed system approach. This included style guides, requirements, code snippents, cascading CSS, components, and style assets that could be used over and over again (one to many relationship between a component and what it does and/or looks like or functions like).

Great meeting and fun conversation. Towards the end, Steve was encouraging Jonathan to keep dreaming and refining as we go. We are trying to catch the over all vision. As we keep going, we may even need to circle back around and see how the new ideas could relate to the rest of the system. Trying to get to that cohesive type design level. See attached for some screenshots.

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Shop 5130 General 10/28/2019  

Recording notes and trying to catch-up on the tasks for the day.

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Shop 5054 Adilas Time 10/29/2019  

Our whole system is made up of tons and tons of one-to-many relationships and they keep going deeper.

Both permissions and settings are breaking into small and smaller pieces.

Need to be able to search parent attributes and sub attributes. We can assign them, but they are not very searchable. This has been a request from some of our users. They want these sections to be as searchable as many of the other sections. Because those sections are so flexible and customizable, it kinda makes it hard to standardize things as well. Somewhat of a mixed blessing.

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Shop 5100 Steve, Cory, Brandon-Catch up on projects and updates 10/29/2019  

Right before the main meeting started, we had two developers jump on the meeting. We briefly met up with both Josh and Wayne. They reported on their projects and we talked about the next steps. Wayne is running into similar problems on Newtek and clustering serves as we were out on AWS. Lots of that has to do with storing images and uploaded user content. We talked about using the adilas content server as a good resource for those files and outside storage. We need a fixed location to both store and map back to for those pieces. Wayne, Alan, and Brandon will be meeting tomorrow to talk about where things are headed.

Brandon, Cory, and Steve met up to catch up on progress of current projects and any updates that need to be done. Some of the meeting was dealing with existing projects. We didn't really have time to get into new things. As part of the meeting, I did a small demo on how to edit auto generated loyalty points.

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Shop 5064 Work with Shannon 10/29/2019  

Shannon and I finished up the first round of the online glossary values. Some of them still need some refining and tweaking, but each letter has a number of terms and what not. Good stuff. - online glossary

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Adi 1539 Separate Settings for Med and Rec Dispensary Homepages 10/29/2019  

10/29/19: Per conversation with Steve, seems like there is a need to separate the gear settings in med and rec dispensary homepages. Currently they are the same, but under 21 doesn't apply to rec side so probably shouldn't be there, as its confusing to clients.

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Shop 5082 Meeting with Chuck 10/29/2019  

Meeting with Chuck to get an update on Camp Adilas. We started out reviewing some other new graphics that are being presented and worked on. We then jumped into schools and how adilas could help out schools. Kind of a fun start to the meeting.

- Schools and options of supporting schools and education needs. Say like Bridgerland Tech College - They have 25 different departments, they sell all kinds of things, they have a book store, class fees, special events, tracking profit per department, café - lunchroom, catering, etc.

- Being able to configure the tools and features to fill the needs of the different companies and/or departments within a bigger organization.

- Here is a link that deals with options for schools, some older brainstorming -

- As we were talking, Chuck said that he sees himself as being able to be the bridge between the tech side and the people side. He likes that kind of stuff.

After the first part of the meeting, we got back into some campground and camp adilas stuff. See attached for a number of screenshots and an overview of where we are headed. Here are some notes from that part of the meeting:

- We talked about tons of options on different flags and tags. These could be things like notes, red flags, warnings, etc.

- Options for simple reservations and options for advanced reservations.

- Being able to collect vehicle information, customer information (counts and types), payment information, etc. There is some basic information and potentially, some more advanced or one-to-many detail information that may need to be gathered. Lots of moving parts and pieces.

- We talked about primary reservations, secondary reservations, and being able to stack and unstack those reservations and payments or deposits on the reservations.

- On the payments, be able to apply discounts to all reservations or just certain tickets.

- Be able to send out emails to help collect other information to help fill in the gaps and speed up the process.

- We got into some details on the different screenshots. Detailed site overviews, handicap accessible (wheelchair icon), color coding, using flags and tags, etc. On the color coding, we even talked about allowing the color codes to be setup using settings. We would set some defaults, but allow each company to change or alter those settings. Say something like yellow for partial paid, red for need to pay, and green for good to go (already fully paid).

- Chuck showed us some map options. He had actually used a drone to capture an aerial view of a campsite. We talked about all kinds of map and map overlay options. We talked about mixing maps, photos, icons, services, options, site photos, descriptions, filters, add to cart, set or choose date ranges, etc. All of these options, right from the map. Kinda fun. One of the cool ideas was using the icons on the map to help filter and show sites that matched your filtered search.

- We got into some of the other sub screens and talked about a customer info screen with flags and payment options.

- Lots of options for settings on a per section or per page level. That is awesome and we would encourage the development to be build off of settings.

- Be able to build your own reports and then be able to save those reports with the settings and configuration values needed. We already do this in places inside of adilas. Keep going along those lines.

- Showing reports on earning and services sold. Be able to see sales based on tents, RV's, cabins, firewood, power, and swimming. Whatever the services and/or options might be.

- As we build this business vertical out, it will open up new options for other companies that need scheduling and reservations. Good stuff.

- One of the last things that we talked about was using all of the different kinds of resources such as other developers, trainers, code, google, other team members, reps/consultants, etc. No specific rules there, just use what you need and play well with others. We want to keep it pretty open, but still make the resources available that are needed and wanted.

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Shop 5109 Talking with Steve 10/29/2019  

Steve and I were talking after our meeting with Chuck. Here are a few notes about what we were talking about.

- Using what we have and cleaning up these servers that we already have.

- Keep moving the servers up to ColdFusion 2018. Keep moving down the road.

- We want to use elements of time on our own project management. We've got it, let's use it.

- Having the guys check in once a week to make sure we are on task.

- Steve would like to use Tuesdays and Thursdays as developer check-in days.

- We really want to help our developers get some wins and some victories. This may end up happening by helping them break their projects into smaller chucks, phases, steps, and milestones.

- Steve made a comment that it will be interesting as we get more involved with Designers. Instead of from code up to the view... we will be going from the view down into the code. That will be somewhat of a paradigm shift for us. Exciting.

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Shop 5110 hypur 10/29/2019  

Met up with Bryan over a GoToMeeting session. We went over a possible Hypur bug. We got an email from Hypur asking us to look into a possible problem. As we got deeper, Bryan made a couple of phone calls, we left messages, and we briefly looked over some data on the server. The company in question has done over 3,000+ payments back and forth between them and Hypur. They seem to be doing 5-10 payments a day. We did see anything that stood out. So, we made some calls and put the ball back in their court.

After that, Bryan and I switched gears and he had a couple of other small questions and just looking for direction. One of them was dealing with the invoice rounding feature out inside of ecommerce for a client.

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Shop 5128 General 10/29/2019  

Emails, follow-up, phone call with Steve, and prep work.

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Shop 5129 Clean-up 10/29/2019  

Recording notes, chasing down a small bug in the 3rd party solutions pages, emails, and phone calls.

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Shop 5052 Adilas Time 10/30/2019  

Recording notes from post-it notes into the adilas system for the developer's notebook.

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Shop 5108 Meeting with Wayne and Alan 10/30/2019  

- One of Wayne's focuses has been performance on the servers.

- He was wanting to change up the structure without changing tons of the infrastructure. Well, we are getting to the point where we really need to make some major changes to the underlying code.

- Stability wise - processing massive amounts of data at the ColdFusion level - the Tomcat server and getting and pulling data from the databases

- We were talking about clustering both the ColdFusion servers and clustering the database servers.

- One of the known problems is the images, logos, watermarks, and other media/content (outside files). We need a standardized spot to hold and store those assets.

- We need to change the code to help us manage those fixed or user controlled resources.

- On the services, for example: we need a method or API call that does - getCorpLogo - then it returns us the path to the logo, wherever that is and/or exists. The same would be true with things like getPhotoGallery, getMediaContent, getSingleImage, getCorpWatermark, etc.

- As a side note, we are somewhat waiting on Newtek (our server farm) to spin up and release some new virtual machines.

- We have this same stumbling block, meaning user controlled assets, on either clustering things at Newtek or out on AWS land.

- Wayne is seeing a need for more than just himself working on this project. Why not use this as a real life project and incorporate some live project and hands on training? Great idea. Build it out like we want it and do some training along the way. They were talking about training, planning, programming, iterations, unit testing, etc. Basically, using this project as a lead them by the hand project and still get a good product out the other side.

- The goal will be object oriented model, having the developers build it, use it, extend it, build and break, etc. We want to build this app and/or functions together as a team.

- It may be hard to get everybody together at the same time. However, we could record it, make assignments, have them work in teams, etc.

- Wayne really wants them to bring in the unit testing options to make sure we get that part of the puzzle. Leave the project somewhat open and give little projects and pieces and then have them report.

- If we are building as a team, we could go deeper into code review and really turn it into a good teaching opportunity.

- Talking about training... here are the tools - which ones would you use and why? Using technology to video small snippets and resources. Helping to sharpen our developers toolsets and options.

- There are some differences between ColdFusion 11 and ColdFusion 2018. We are trying to move forward, but we do have a few stumbling blocks.

- Talking about versioning and being more standard across the board. Here is a link that Wayne provided:

- Wayne was also talking about git commit messages and how to use those to help with versioning and sub versioning. Here is the new link:

- They were talking about small incremental commits and even squashing some of the smaller commits and then providing a good final commit message. This is somewhat of a style and/or process type question. Where to we want to be?

- Wayne really wants some of the style to be a certain way. He really also wants to enable the other developers to use their own style but still be playing well as a team. He wants to encourage team unity across the board. He wants some standards but still open to input and negotiation. Basically, no dominance on all of the ideas. Keep it open. Once again, where do we want to be? Who do we want to be?

- Learning from experience, yet still looking forward to the future. Opinions are good. There are many ways to skin the cat...

- We have different levels of developers. There are builders, explorers, copy/paste masters, googlers, and those who don't know what they don't know. We at least need to understand what is going on and then go from there. Wayne and Alan were talking about "google foo" (ninja level) and being able to find what you really need on the web.

Just for fun, see attached for some concept drawings of tools, inputs, outputs, and how we mix and blend the tools to get what we need. Fun funnel type approach to problem solving. Small blast from the past.

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Shop 5078 Meeting with Shawn 10/30/2019  

Shawn and I were touching base on 2020 tax and withholding updates. We also had Josh join the meeting and he asked some questions about tiered pricing stuff out in ecommerce land.

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Shop 5132 Discount research for Josh 10/30/2019  

Working on some discount and my cart favorite research for Josh. He is looking at a possible project to add discounts to my cart favorites and also take the my cart favorite buttons and the group options (tiered pricing levels) out to ecommerce. Here were a few things that I found:

searching for "my cart favorite" in the developer's notebook -  from 1/1/7 to 12/31/19 - sort by oldest first - then do a sub browser level search for the word "discount" - working on in-line discounts and wanting to extend them to my cart favorite buttons - need to expand the my cart favorite buttons - a client wanted it - more need and heading towards discount engine with Josh - mixing of buttons and discounts - three ways to tie-in discounts on buttons - multiple entries with tiered pricing (may have to sub search in the browser for the words "tiered pricing") - as a side note, some of the tiered pricing pieces started to come into play as early as 2011. Interesting. Still a big need in end of 2019.

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Shop 5133 Recording notes and general stuff 10/30/2019  

Adding screenshots to elements of time, research, recording notes, and cross tying different resources together.

See attached for a new document from Chuck Swann. It deals with needs that schools and educational institutions need and want. That same document was also attached to an older element of time in the adilas university site that had ideas about using adilas for schools and education. See this element for those other ideas and details. - ideas of how adilas could help out schools and educational facilities


I was also trying to gather some graphic resources for Shay (adilas graphic designer and logo/setup wizard). Here is an email that I sent to Shay with some links to different graphic resources.

Good evening. We have tons of graphic assets… the only problem is that they are not super organized. Here are a couple of links: – tons and tons of images (including some new ones), you may need to click on the links within the document text and then save the images to your local drive. – there are tons of graphic links just below the map on this help file - tons of fun teaching tool graphics, if you need any originals, I can get them for you. – tons of pdf links and image links. See the other teasers tab

Anyways, I hope that helps. Enjoy!


The other thing that I was trying to do was sign some documents for Wells Fargo and small business banking changes. Somewhat of a random afternoon.

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Shop 5051 Adilas Time 10/31/2019  

Steve sees two main things to focus on... 1. Is focusing on system refinement (on the web look and feel and on the software side). 2. Is focusing on the servers and standardizing things there (backend processing and stability - up time and reliability). We would like to keep focusing in those directions.

Both Steve and I were working on our own projects and just talking back and forth as we were working.

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Shop 5107 Meeting with Cory 10/31/2019  

Cory joined us and we went over some basic tech support questions and clarification on some things. Light training on some of the newer features. She is building news and updates for some of the new features such as customer loyalty points and special accounts.

We switched gears and started working on the main adilas project list (adilas community funded projects) and went through a number of projects. We got to cross two bigger projects off the list and added 4 new ones. That seems to be the way it goes. Anyways, we are having weekly meetings to prioritize and set budgets for existing and upcoming projects. Our goal is to keep up with the requests and log them. This will also help us keep somewhat focused on the projects that are before us. We are trying to be more efficient.

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Shop 5061 Work with Shannon 10/31/2019  

Shannon and I jumped back in on the adilas user guide project. We were working on the section 11 stuff dealing with old school accounting vs new school accounting. This is still unfolding, but we were trying to get back into the flow and swing of things. - entry for the old school accounting vs new school accounting - still working here

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Adi 1540 Issue with Snow Owl - WebPageID Edit 10/31/2019  

Issue with Snow Owl on

See the screenshots for more details.

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Shop 5083 Meeting with Chuck 10/31/2019  

Met up with Chuck to go over some camp adilas stuff. He is making great progress on the interface layout. Good stuff. Here are some of the notes from the day. Also see attached for some screenshots and some notes from another follow-up meeting with Marisa - campground rep.

- Alan, Steve, Chuck, and I were on the meeting. We introduced Chuck and Alan.

- We talked a lot about going mobile. We talked about native mobile apps and responsive web apps. We are leaning more towards responsive web. There were some talks about using phone gap to convert from web to native mobile (Adobe product). We know that some of the camp host staff may be mobile from time to time (going around their campsites and such).

- Light talks about some design elements such as titles, slide outs vs modals, buttons, colors, preset color themes, etc.

- The next round is deeper prototyping in Adobe XD and making it more clickable like a virtual sales demo.

- Steve brought up a point about deleting inside of adilas. We often show/hide and make things active or inactive to accomplish the same thing as deleting, but we really never delete the data. It just gets hidden. That way we don't create any holes in the data.

- KISS - Keep it simple silly - trying to keep things in that simple model.

See attached for some screenshots.

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Shop 5144 Working with Steve 10/31/2019  

Working with Steve on some list functions. He was mixing some JSON stuff, database stuff, structures, and lists. Complex datasets. We got it all figure out and did some training on Lists and using the ListFind functions. Lots of lists and looking things up.

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Shop 5135 Meeting with Alan 10/31/2019  

- We were talking about strategies to get projects into smaller pieces.

- Idea - build it backwards - functionality first, maybe even hidden values, then build in the front end (how to supply the functionality).

- The smaller we can break it up, the easier it is to develop and the easier it is to merge back in (merge conflicts).

- We are struggling dealing with transition times (in/out of the project). Also remembering where we were working at and what the flow was when we left that project. Too many things to keep straight.

- Distractions and dealing with that. We are constantly being pulled in every possible direction. It makes it really hard to get good dedicated time and stay focused.

- Projects that Alan is working on - Invoice due date, metrc package stuff, metrc transactional reporting for sales, training developers, code sign-off stuff, and other distractions. Not to mention round 5 of the tax update, discounts on my cart favorite buttons, USAePay reoccurring invoices, USAePay chip reader stuff, permission refactor, corp-wide settings object, breaking up the database into different datasources, all of the sub inventory stuff, plus tons of others. Too many. He is going to focus on the two metrc projects first. Then we'll talk about the next one.

- Alan got assigned to work with a new developer.  Adding on a new guy to help train adds stress with everything else he has going on. I understand. Crazy times.

- Moving to a bigger team approach vs just a single developer. We gain traction as we work together to get things done. By ourselves, we can go really fast, if not distracted and overburdened. We are working on it as we go.

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Shop 5141 eXPO 10/31/2019  

Bryan had some questions about the invoice rounding stuff out in ecommerce land. We talked about a couple of options. We then switched gears and worked on a small bug fix on the cross corp stuff - cross corp invoices to PO's. We pushed up all of the new files.

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Shop 5134 Working with Josh 10/31/2019  

Met with Josh over the GoToMeeting session. We were looking at his code branch for the tax breakdown project. He had two projects on the same branch, we split things apart and made a plan for the rest of what was needed.