Runner Information

Bib193 - Jenet Davis
Status: Started
Huntsville, UT 35 F Total Time: ... Full Race


9/27/2018 9:01:00 pm

I am amazed by you Jenet! Good luck, I know you will rock it! Great inspiration! Love from your California family Floyd and Kelley Collins

9/27/2018 6:38:04 pm

Thinking of you and sending you all my positive energy. Love you, Kathy

9/27/2018 3:59:01 pm

Good luck, Jenet!! You will be our inspiration for our Girls on the Run practice on Monday. Aunt Kim


Quick hydration break before going up into the sun of Richards Hollow.

Aid Station Records

Bib193 - Jenet Davis
AS 1:LOP to 1:LOP - Bib193
9:18:18 am 9/28/2018
9:18:18 am 9/28/2018

AS 2:LEH to 2:LEH - Bib193
11:45:31 am 9/28/2018
11:45:31 am 9/28/2018

AS 3:RIH to 3:RIH - Bib193
12:27:12 pm 9/28/2018
12:27:12 pm 9/28/2018

AS 4:COC to 4:COC - Bib193
2:44:59 pm 9/28/2018
2:48:45 pm 9/28/2018
3.77 Minutes

AS 5:RHF to 5:RHF - Bib193
4:49:10 pm 9/28/2018
4:57:09 pm 9/28/2018
7.98 Minutes

AS 6:TEF to 6:TEF - Bib193
7:17:23 pm 9/28/2018
7:28:29 pm 9/28/2018
11.10 Minutes

AS 7:TOG to 7:TOG - Bib193
10:10:22 pm 9/28/2018
10:26:57 pm 9/28/2018
16.58 Minutes

AS 8:FRB to 8:FRB - Bib193
2:48:09 am 9/29/2018
2:55:58 am 9/29/2018
7.82 Minutes

AS 9:LOR to 9:LOR - Bib193
6:27:23 am 9/29/2018
6:37:34 am 9/29/2018
10.18 Minutes

AS 10:BEL to 10:BEL - Bib193
10:24:27 am 9/29/2018
10:24:27 am 9/29/2018
DNF Seq:239

Leg Length

Bib193 - Jenet Davis
Leg 0:STA to 1:LOP - Bib193
6:00:00 am 9/28/2018
9:18:18 am 9/28/2018
3.31 Hours

Leg 1:LOP to 2:LEH - Bib193
9:18:18 am 9/28/2018
11:45:31 am 9/28/2018
2.45 Hours

Leg 2:LEH to 3:RIH - Bib193
11:45:31 am 9/28/2018
12:27:12 pm 9/28/2018
41.68 Minutes

Leg 3:RIH to 4:COC - Bib193
12:27:12 pm 9/28/2018
2:44:59 pm 9/28/2018
2.30 Hours
Forced entry of the leg record. Unknown start time.

Leg 4:COC to 5:RHF - Bib193
2:48:45 pm 9/28/2018
4:49:10 pm 9/28/2018
2.01 Hours

Leg 5:RHF to 6:TEF - Bib193
4:57:09 pm 9/28/2018
7:17:23 pm 9/28/2018
2.34 Hours

Leg 6:TEF to 7:TOG - Bib193
7:28:29 pm 9/28/2018
10:10:22 pm 9/28/2018
2.70 Hours

Leg 7:TOG to 8:FRB - Bib193
10:26:57 pm 9/28/2018
2:48:09 am 9/29/2018
4.35 Hours

Leg 8:FRB to 9:LOR - Bib193
2:55:58 am 9/29/2018
6:27:23 am 9/29/2018
3.52 Hours

Leg 9:LOR to 10:BEL - Bib193
6:37:34 am 9/29/2018
10:24:27 am 9/29/2018
3.78 Hours

Leg 10:BEL to 11:GIB - Bib193
10:48:34 am 9/29/2018
... ...
2029.35 Days or 48704.33 Hours